Goat Format Fusion Deck

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Goat Format Fusion Deck

Post #1 by DDWL » Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:42 pm

In Goat Format, there was no 15-card limit to the number of fusions you can add to your deck.
(Source: https://www.goatformat.com/home/rulesgame-mechanics)

Since Dueling-Book has a 15-card limit, GoatFormat.com suggests working around this using the following convention:

For "manual" online dueling simulators that restrict you to only 15 cards, use the following convention: Add the 15 Fusions that you think you will be most likely to use, and then if you happen to need one that you didn't add, simply use a different Fusion as a proxy.

Example: You activate Snatch Steal on your opponent's Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast, and use Metamorphosis on it, with the intention of Summoning a King Dragun. But you did not put King Dragun in your 15-card Fusion Deck. You inform your opponent of this fact, special Summon a Darkfire Dragon from your Fusion Deck instead, and say, "This Darkfire Dragon will represent a King Dragun." You then send your opponent a link to King Dragun's text so that they know what it does.

Is this convention recognized on Dueling-Book, in rated Goat Format duels?

Kitty Trouble
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Post #2 by Kitty Trouble » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:27 pm

In goat format there is a button to allow you to add cards to your fusion deck. However you need cards in your fusion deck to use this feature, you can't access it if your fusion deck is empty.

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