Sending monsters to then rewinding to GY original gamestate

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Sending monsters to then rewinding to GY original gamestate

Post #1 by Sound4 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:53 pm

There are simply too many times I have seen this in DB rated and a judge that us called because of this. So X person tries to do some kind of summon he sends the materials to GY but then realises that he can not summon the monster they intended to summon and rewinds to original gamestate.
The opponnent then says " You sent please summon a monster".
X person says "I was trying to commit to an illegal summon so we rewind to original gamestate".
The opponnent Says "Then summon something legal" then usually after this a judge is called. I would like to know how this would be ruled by a judge as I would view this as rule sharking as nothing has been summoned yet and if the X person summoned something illegal you rewind to the original gamestate. I don't know if it is allowed to force your opponent to summon something legal (if they have something legal to summon in the first place the monsters that were originally sent to GY) since the opponent does not know what is in their extea deck. If something was summoned that was legal and tge X person tried to take back then I would understand and that would be a missplaying on X person part. How would you rule this judges?

Renji Asuka
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Post #2 by Renji Asuka » Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:40 pm

As far as I understand it, no you are not forced to summon a monster if your initial target was illegal.
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Kitty Trouble
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Post #3 by Kitty Trouble » Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:11 am

If you could have only been going for a synchro summon, we'd rule it as you must complete a synchro summon.
If you accidentally illegally summon a black rose dragon using the incorrect materials, we'd rule it as rewind without force to summon
If you could have only been going for a synchro summon, try taking it back, then illegally summon a monster on purpose to get out of having to summon, we'd rule that as cheating.
This type of thing is subjective, and might be ruled differently in borderline cases.

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