Checking deck but adding from GY with Dupe Frog/Hidden Armory

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Checking deck but adding from GY with Dupe Frog/Hidden Armory

Post #1 by lovela » Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:34 pm

When resolving a card effect that can add from deck or GY is it legal to:

1) Look in deck, find you have no targets, add from GY
2) Look in deck, find you have targets, add from GY

3) If yes to either of the above, if my opponent had just stacked a card on top of my deck (e.g. with Phoenix Wing Wind Blast), would you put that card back on top?

4) Side question, if this was IRL play, are the answers the same? and would you shuffle your deck?

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Post #2 by Renji Asuka » Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:57 pm

Any card that has you look through your deck, your deck will be shuffled unless stated otherwise.
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Post #3 by Cromat » Tue Aug 06, 2024 12:10 am

Like using "Pot of Prosperity"; the player who activated it will banish 3 or 6 cards as face-down, but the point is: The player must announce it to their opponent for inform them to for them know which one they want to apply, will they banish 3, or will they banish 6. After that (they announced how many card they'll banish), player who activated that Spell Card start to pay that Spell's cost. Otherwise, it causing many problems (mostly at here). For example, users at here banishing 3 cards and waiting 3-5 seconds without cancelling their "Viewing Extra Deck" window with sneakily way to learn that their opponent has "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" at their hand or not. If their opponent doesn't use their "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring", they are banishing 3 more cards as face-down to excavate 6 cards from their Main Deck. Therefore I think it would be more better if you inform your opponent while resolving "Dupe Frog" and/or "Hidden Armory". Also, we can give as example of other Summoning mechanics (Fusion, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, Link) that you are declaring the Summon type before, then you are Summoning the monster. You are not Summoning monster immediately before declare which Summon you're using. (For example: You are announce that you'll make a Pendulum Summon first, then you are starting to Summon your monsters as Pendulum Summon.)

But at here (at the DuelingBook dat com): If you checked your GY, then your Deck. It 1000% will be treated as you have to add it from GY. If there is/are not target, you'll be frozen by (non-corrupt) Judges, because you'll treat you as trolling at here and will punish you. But maybe at IRL, that wouldn't be as a lot of issue (as you may look to your GY to see your cards, then you may start to check your Main Deck and add from Deck to hand) but at here it is how I described. Moreover, now (non-corrupt) Judges look directly at your past and punish you directly if you have a past, without listening to you or even checking whether you are right or wrong in your position at that moment.

Because after you checked your GY (regardless you have legal target or not), then start to check your Main Deck to add card(s). Opponent will call (non-corrupt) Judges and will told them that you looked your GY first, which mean they have to add from their GYs. When everyone saw that there is no legal target after you, your opponent and arrived (non-corrupt) Judges look to your GY, (non-corrupt) Judge will freeze you by treating you as troll, you will want to appeal by thinking things are not working at IRL and YCS(s), so (non-corrupt) Judge(s) will place a strike to your account that moment immediately to inform all their (non-corrupt) colleagues, because you appealed them, and they have to revenge on you back. Then they (non-corrupt Judge) will add that "Here is not IRL or YCS." and place a strike your account. Afterwards, (non-corrupt) Judge(s) will want from you to communicate and inform your opponent for your each action. If you don't do that they'll freeze you for refusing their order when prompted. If you do that, they'll freeze you again for spamming by saying "I am freezing you for your spam." Also, they'll add a warning to your account too, because at your each action when you want permission from your opponent to take action and ask them by typing, will return to you as freeze punishing by spam and malicious AFK by trying to communicate and ask them "eff k?", "k?", "ok?", "OK?" etc... And it will return to you as bonus as when you called a (non-corrupt) Judge(s) due a really interesting game related issue occured, they'll just check your past, and will freeze you because you've appealed currently arrived (non-corrupt) Judge's colleague at past.

Shortly: The answers to your question will vary depending on whether you are on DuelingBook or in real life.


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Post #4 by Christen57 » Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:40 am

lovela wrote:When resolving a card effect that can add from deck or GY is it legal to:

1) Look in deck, find you have no targets, add from GY
2) Look in deck, find you have targets, add from GY

3) If yes to either of the above, if my opponent had just stacked a card on top of my deck (e.g. with Phoenix Wing Wind Blast), would you put that card back on top?

4) Side question, if this was IRL play, are the answers the same? and would you shuffle your deck?

Answer to 1, 2, and 4 is yes. Answer to 3 is no, because you'd have to shuffle the deck after looking through it like that.

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