duelingbook.com startup menu

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duelingbook.com startup menu

Post #1 by spartan-117 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:32 am

Every time I try to go on duelingbook.com the animation plays and registers arrow keystrokes but nothing else. Does not register mouse clicks or other buttons except the aforementioned arrow keys. I checked to see if java is enabled, I tried different browsers (currently on Chrome, tried Firefox and Edge) to no avail. Any suggestions?

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Post #2 by Cromat » Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:16 pm

It's because you didn't log out of the site properly. You need to click on the "EXIT" button from the menu on the left, and then click on the blue underlined "logout" text at the bottom left to complete the logout process.
You probably just close and exit the tab where the site is open in your internet browser from the top right. Since you did not log out properly, when you open the site again in your tab, you see something similar to the image above.

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