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Wrong decks, follows and friends of a different account

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:41 pm
by Aleko22
After the server had some problems again, lots of people got dced (including me). After that, I logged in again. I could see blank decks with names I hadn't seen before.
This deck bug could be solved by trying to duel. I got an error message and, after that, my decks were back. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only bug. I seemingly followed some users I haven't heard of before. After I checked my profile, I saw I had 43 friends. I didn't know any of them. They seem to be the friends of the user "DanglyBuckle347". Trying to fix the issue as I fixed the deck issue, I deleted 1 friend. This didn't help, I then had 42 friends I didn't know. One of his friends added me in an attempt to fix it, the username is "Ezra_Scarlet", but instead I now have 43 friends again with him being twice on that list. Also, his friend reports DanglyBuckle347 has now 44 friends with him being twice on his list as well, hence his account might be bugged too but it still shows 43 friends for me when I look at DanglyBuckle347's profile.
I assume the deck names were also the names of his decks.

Some screenshots from the deck issue:

profile issue: //Ezra-Scarlet is on the left and the last one (couldn't scroll any further to the right)

for comparison: //as I said, I deleted the first friend. The other friends are equal. It doesn't show my
name on their profiles though, so I am not really their friend. after mine were back

As of today (Jul 25), it seems to be fixed. Just leaving this here as a bug report.