Found a Bug with Card Typing in "Custom" section SOLVED

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xyz - Odrael - xyz
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Found a Bug with Card Typing in "Custom" section SOLVED

Post #1 by xyz - Odrael - xyz » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:33 pm

Hi everyone, just got this issue:

everybody know that monsters like "Clear Wing Fast Dragon" are Typed like this: DRAGON / SYNCHRO / PENDULUM / EFFECT

In the Custom Section, im looking to creating a similar card but with a Ritual/Pendulum signature (that doesn't exist in real) and often its impossible to add the final "Effect" signature at the card.

Sometimes it work correctly, but when it doesn't work I've tried with uploading again the card, typing any effect, everything, but nothing happens.
Maybe the problem is the fact that doesn't exist in real and this cause some script issue? notice that with Fusion/Pendulum, Synchro/Pendulum or Xyz/Pendulum monsters everything goes right when adding the final "Effect" signature at the card (it works automatically) but if you try to create a Ritual/Pendulum monster it doesn't work.

I need to get the correct signature on the card cause i want to print them, can anybody help me?


Noticed that for ANY Ritual monster created in the Custom Section is impossibile to obtain the correct signature "Effect" after the "Type / Ritual", whatever you do.
think its a bug.

Thank you in advance.
Last edited by xyz - Odrael - xyz on Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2 by Atomsmasher12 » Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:41 pm

To add "Effect" to Ritual monsters, after the full stop at the end of the effect press spacebar and "Effect" will appear.

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Post #3 by Shugunou » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:52 am

The issue wouldn't be with the fact that there are no Ritual Pendulums. If that were the case, you would not be able to make Ritual monsters pendulum cards. This is similar to how Link Monsters cannot be made into Pendulums.

xyz - Odrael - xyz
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Post #4 by xyz - Odrael - xyz » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:58 am

Atomsmasher12 wrote:To add "Effect" to Ritual monsters, after the full stop at the end of the effect press spacebar and "Effect" will appear.

Tried, didn't work.

BUT also you encouraged me to try again a couple of times, so, after deleting all my cards and uploaded again as new, finally, it worked.

Thank you.

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Post #5 by Shugunou » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:11 pm

Cool. But another thing is, most people won't care if a ritual monster doesn't say its an effect monster as long as it is clear that it has an effect since all monsters with effects are effect monsters unless stated otherwise in the card text. The only time that would be an issue is on a normal monster. If the card is a normal monster as its border and does not say that it is an effect monster, it is usually assumed that the text on it is flavor text and not an effect (with the exception of parenthesis text ex: summoned skull). This has not stopped people from putting effect text on normal monsters however. As for the rules, the text on the normal monster is not an effect even if phrased like one.

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