I can always start my turn

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I can always start my turn

Post #1 by Auke1993 » Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:13 pm

A glitch occured in my duel just now.
At any point during my opponent's Turn, I was able to start my turn, even if my opponent hadn't ended theirs.
Perhaps this is related to a duel I had not too long before starting this one. I say this due to the fact that what seemed to be the log from that earlier duel appeared in black in the log of the duel shown in this screen. It showed the Summon of a Thunder Dragon Fusion, and that player switching phases. I don't recall them ever ending their turn though.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a screenshot of the log, but I do have a screenshot of my (most recent) duel during my opponnent's turn, showing I could start my turn.

As I'm writing this, I realized something. I believe I did click the button (while my opponent was going through phases) on their first turn. I vaguely recall my opponent still being able to go through their phases after I'd clicked the button, with my turn only starting after that, making it mostly a visual glitch. The Replay does not confirm this though.


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Post #2 by xDEADCENTREx » Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:52 pm


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