Goat Format Rooms

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Goat Format Rooms

Post #1 by Alisae » Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:19 am

The glitchies in these fucking rooms are so much that they're literally unplayable

do something about it

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Post #2 by XtevensChannel » Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:33 am

what glitches?

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Post #3 by xDEADCENTREx » Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:03 pm

Alisae wrote:The glitchies in these fucking rooms are so much that they're literally unplayable

do something about it

From a Staff Member, and from someone who is suppose to be professional on the platform, this is far from what's expected of you, so I expect you to mature and rethink how to act in your community.

First, you cannot "Fix" something, without knowing what you "Need to Fix" with any HTML, BB, or other coding methods (Which Adobe Flash generated with the Coding the site has applied). Therefore the staff need to know what is "not working properly" so they can fix this Glitch you reported.

Second, act like a TO, not like something who demands staff to fix things. They are not miracle workers, nor are they mind readers, so be mature and respectful. Normally this is how Staff In Real Life get a Demotion, by telling their boss what to do. Take your power trip elsewhere because no user or staff wants to see that, and staff do not wish to be disrespected with being told "Do your job" esque remarks.

Third, Provide some information with what needs to be fixed, instead of taking your tantrums to the Forum in the future

Fourth: This is a Community, we help each other out, and the last thing anyone wants to be told is to do something by another user. When a staff member does this it sets a bad image not just for the Community and what it stands for, but for the Usergroup of which you were hired to represent.

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Post #4 by Alisae » Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:36 pm

XtevensChannel wrote:what glitches?
Play 10 games of goat control in the same room
it is so buggy and glitchy.
Having these things occur to me in multiple games at once and in different rooms is annoying
And there is PLENTY more


Alisae wrote:The glitchies in these fucking rooms are so much that they're literally unplayable

do something about it

From a Staff Member, and from someone who is suppose to be professional on the platform, this is far from what's expected of you, so I expect you to mature and rethink how to act in your community.

First, you cannot "Fix" something, without knowing what you "Need to Fix" with any HTML, BB, or other coding methods (Which Adobe Flash generated with the Coding the site has applied). Therefore the staff need to know what is "not working properly" so they can fix this Glitch you reported.

Second, act like a TO, not like something who demands staff to fix things. They are not miracle workers, nor are they mind readers, so be mature and respectful. Normally this is how Staff In Real Life get a Demotion, by telling their boss what to do. Take your power trip elsewhere because no user or staff wants to see that, and staff do not wish to be disrespected with being told "Do your job" esque remarks.

Third, Provide some information with what needs to be fixed, instead of taking your tantrums to the Forum in the future

Fourth: This is a Community, we help each other out, and the last thing anyone wants to be told is to do something by another user. When a staff member does this it sets a bad image not just for the Community and what it stands for, but for the Usergroup of which you were hired to represent.
Firstly, Robotic Professionalism isn't important. No one reads these ugly ass forums, and even then, I am passionate and angry and I am expressing those emotions.
Secondly, Whats not working properly is EVERYTHING. You cannot play games in that room without encountering some kind of bug/gitch. There are simply too many to list and I don't even know them all. I was just playing some games of goats and was infuriated with how buggy the rooms were to the point I said "no more, I'm fucking done."
Thirdly, THESE ISSUES HAVE BEEN APPARENT FOR MONTHS. The goat rooms is like an island that was deserted and left alone to rot. Nothing that is happening there is okay.

If you care so fucking much about my "professionalism" on a dead forum and you think I am going on a "power trip" by being fucking infuriated with the amount of bugs/glitches in the goat rooms, you can file a report, have fun :)

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Post #5 by Alisae » Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:39 pm

Oh yeah btw
this effects my job
if I wanted to host a Goat Tournament
the tournament would not run smoothly due to how awful the rooms are

the rooms are infested with bugs

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Post #6 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:52 pm

1) Robotic Professionalism? yeah I know Lantern is a no give a fuck type, but damn learn how to be respectful in general, or you will remain angry over things that "do not kill you", which is quite sad to see you even allow yourself to get worked up and react in such an unprofessional manner. How you even got staff is a joke to me, and since you asked for it, when are you going to Host? How about I tell you to do YOUR job and see how YOU like it, eh? lol

2) I am a Forum Posting REGULAR and I see NOTHING about these issues, and I have used the DB platform for Chat Regularly, and no one mentioned bugs in the Chat, Public Chat, and they rarely host because they rarely have an opponent, most site users are active in Rated, or Custom Format.
It helps to know what the issues are, so they can be found. If you want them found then do your job to help report them accurately, and to your best detail, or don't expect the issue to be resolved.

It's best for staff to act like staff, and be informed, something you clearly are not.

3) The room is rotting, what other issues does it have? I cannot open flash so can you describe them, rather than raging like raging earth and destroying everything in your wake?

4) Seek Anger Management, you clearly need it if you cannot control your anger, and avoid lashing out, and acting this way.

5) Don't talk to me until you do step 4.

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Post #7 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:59 pm

The PSCT MasterToday at 11:59
plus we dont got enough site interest to even host goats over meta
and they are a TO?

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Post #8 by Alisae » Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:26 am

xDEADCENTREx wrote:1) How you even got staff is a joke to me, and since you asked for it, when are you going to Host? How about I tell you to do YOUR job and see how YOU like it, eh? lol
see, I've haven't hosted for many issues which don't actually concern you, which I've expressed to people whose opinions mattered multiple times, and nothing happened.
But yeah you're right, I don't do anything.
Huh, here's a thought
just maybe
if the issues i've complained about aren't being fixed and I'm not doing anything and I hardly even play the game
I should quit
o i just did

xDEADCENTREx wrote:2) I am a Forum Posting REGULAR and I see NOTHING about these issues, and I have used the DB platform for Chat Regularly, and no one mentioned bugs in the Chat, Public Chat, and they rarely host because they rarely have an opponent, most site users are active in Rated, or Custom Format.
First off, if you're a forum posting regular, thats kinda sad. These forums are dead as fuck and have no community. Like why?
Second off, and here's a hot take so hear me out, the people you talk to, don't play goat format. They don't even try to play with friends, they're not interested in the format because its boring or whatever reason they have. If they don't play in the rooms, then yeah, ofc no one is going to talk about it???????????????
Isn't that common sense????????????
And even then, here's ANOTHER hot take, the users you talk to, don't report bugs

xDEADCENTREx wrote:4) Seek Anger Management, you clearly need it if you cannot control your anger, and avoid lashing out, and acting this way.

5) Don't talk to me until you do step 4.
My issues aren't any of your business dude. I can take of myself, you worry about yourself.
But yeah, I don't want to talk to you either, idunno why you posted in the thread other then shove down my throat how "professional" I should be and to present yourself on some higher moral ground. Like seriously fuck off??????????????????

xDEADCENTREx wrote:The PSCT MasterToday at 11:59
plus we dont got enough site interest to even host goats over meta
and they are a TO?
Wow, I can jerk my friends dicks off as well dude

irrelevant personToday at 11:59
dude this xDEADCENTREx is a dick
he just came onto your thread to shit on you

yeah dude fuck off

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Post #9 by Alisae » Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:31 am

look dude
I hope you feel really good about yourself for being on the higher moral ground then me
I hope shitting on me has made your day significantly better and that you're smiling
because let me tell you
it certainly made my day worse

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Post #10 by Alisae » Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:36 am

xDEADCENTREx wrote:Take your power trip elsewhere
oh btw nice power trip dude

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Post #11 by xDEADCENTREx » Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:14 pm

I am the one tripping? Is that why I reply one post to your three now Alisae? Seriously grow up and act your damn age you ingrate.

All you do is preach about your plans for Goat Format, but you contribute NOTHING ELSE to the table. In your position if I was you, I would be improvising, using what I DO have access to do, and trying to formulate a way to improve the Custom Format before it goes into a Toxic Route with creations and initial traffic interest and before all the users fall prey to idiots like CrystalMusic. Next I would be talking with my fellow Staff, and asking what direction to take tournaments. Then I would be Hosting Regular Tournaments (if no other staff were available to do so) to maintain the current Tournament Interest and not lose people in the downtime.

What plans did you provide when you got hired? Did you even have a plan besides using it for Goats and Staff Rights? Did you do it to get more leniency when you commit infractions? What was YOUR GOAL when you got hired, because all I see right now is toxic behaviour from a toxic user of the site.

1) If you quit, you wouldn't be Purple anymore. Instead you would be retired, so everyone knows that's sarcasm, in a serious topic regarding your inability to fulfill the duties expected, and the staff being too lazy to demote you.

2) Why are you even mad? All I did was call out your behaviour demanding people to fix Goat Format Room, providing lackluster details on what to fix, specify that the issue is rampant, and yet there is little to no actual reports of these issues. Do you not see that as a problem in itself, that users are not reporting issues they experience on the site? Especially anything relating to a Coding Fix, which this no doubt would fall under?

3) The people I talk to extend to the DGz Userbase, of which Jazz to my knowledge founded the popular Goat Format Library Discord, of which also to my knowledge is the Main Goat room being discussed. Anything else would be off site, and not reported ON SITE, which doesn't help troubleshoot what causes the issues you are alledging exist. Do you not see the problem with that? How can you fix what isn't reported or known to be an issue?

4) It seems most users do not report Bugs, not just the ones I "Do not" talk to. If they did, then XtevensChannel would have knowledge, but they asked you about what the issues are instead, so clearly there is a lack of reporting in general occurring. Something you'd rather bitch about in ONE post and DEMAND action, when NO ONE HAS MADE THE ATTEMPT TO HELP FIX THE ISSUE BY REPORTING IT.

5) I posted in this thread because I was pissed a pissant who cannot host "recently" for shit is demanding actions from their superiors regarding ANYTHING. That is NOT respect at all, and that is not how a person would talk to their boss in any situation, unless they wanted to face demotion (UNLESS they know what they are talking about, and making something easier), which doesn't apply to this situation.

I came here to give you advices on how to fix the issue, and the other issue known as your behaviour. Don't like it, the Foes option exists for a reason, so I suggest using it next time, instead of complaining about receiving a reality check.

6) I know it didn't make your day worse, and that you get off on some fetish over annoying other users, I don't mind the immaturity really as it gives this site something worth following, since the Tournaments are deader than Duel Links is with Hosting Tournaments on Lost's Server, which is once a week (last I saw).

7) You really seem to enjoy anything that puts you in a position of worth, I suggest finding some real worth, and not this fantasy Tournament Organizer Role that has clearly gone to your head.

That's all!

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Post #12 by Alisae » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:00 am

okay cool i'm not gonna read what you said
fuck off

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Post #13 by Alisae » Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:54 am

As a side note
The rooms feel a lot better now so if there was some fixes that were applied, yay, I’m pretty happy about it since it fees like I’m able to play the game and I don’t have to leave the lobby due to some bug.
If not and I was just super unlucky that one day where I was encountering the bug I posted a screenshot of over and over again regardless of how often I hosted in the room, then cool. Also a lot of the other bugs I also remember seeing on that exact same day aren’t appearing anymore, so either something was fixed or I’m just super unlucky

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Post #14 by xDEADCENTREx » Mon Sep 09, 2019 6:52 pm

Alisae wrote:okay cool i'm not gonna read what you said
fuck off

How about you fuck off? You're staff and you treat the userbase like you do?

Seriously, if such is allowed, am I allowed to tell you to commit neck noose also? Because it seems this site has no rules when Staff are allowed to treat users in such a manner. Seriously get anger management and explain your issues with Goat Room, instead of bitching to staff like a girl who got upset she was called a whore.

TL DR Grow up

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Post #15 by Alisae » Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:20 pm

Yeah I should fuck off from the thread I made when you show up
yep that makes perfect logical sense dude.

Fuck off dude, I'm not going to say it again

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Post #16 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:51 pm

Alisae wrote:Yeah I should fuck off from the thread I made when you show up
yep that makes perfect logical sense dude.

Fuck off dude, I'm not going to say it again

You assume fuck off in my terms means to "get lost", I mean to fuck off with that stupid attitude of yours. Are you really that retarded? lol

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Post #17 by xDEADCENTREx » Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:54 pm

xDEADCENTREx wrote:1) Robotic Professionalism? yeah I know Lantern is a no give a fuck type, but damn learn how to be respectful in general, or you will remain angry over things that "do not kill you", which is quite sad to see you even allow yourself to get worked up and react in such an unprofessional manner. How you even got staff is a joke to me, and since you asked for it, when are you going to Host? How about I tell you to do YOUR job and see how YOU like it, eh? lol

2) I am a Forum Posting REGULAR and I see NOTHING about these issues, and I have used the DB platform for Chat Regularly, and no one mentioned bugs in the Chat, Public Chat, and they rarely host because they rarely have an opponent, most site users are active in Rated, or Custom Format.

It helps to know what the issues are, so they can be found. If you want them found then do your job to help report them accurately, and to your best detail, or don't expect the issue to be resolved.

It's best for staff to act like staff, and be informed, something you clearly are not.

4) Seek Anger Management, you clearly need it if you cannot control your anger, and avoid lashing out, and acting this way.

5) Don't talk to me until you do step 4.

Read 2 regarding Goat Format Glitch Reporting

Read 1 regarding your attitude of robotic professionalism (Last I checked you are a Human using a computer, not a robot program).

Read the Underlined and Bold Text for how to properly report bugs and glitches regarding your inquiry

Read 4 and 5, before you tell me to fuck off again.

PS Foes Button Exists for a reason, try using it instead of telling me to fuck off. You really are a toxic lil shit and I am sick of seeing you, so I will be adding YOU to MY Foes list, because you are beyond toxic, and contribute NOTHING to the Tournament Scene, other than dead promises and lies.

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Post #18 by Megamaw » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:50 am

y'all are fighting but the first reply of the thread was literally the head dev asking to know more about the bugs

the issue isn't your attitude, the issue is you've been very vague in explaining what you mean by 'glitches'

you should probably post some reproduction steps for the most egregious of bugs you've ran into, or at least some descriptions + replays

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Post #19 by xDEADCENTREx » Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:38 pm

Megamaw wrote:y'all are fighting but the first reply of the thread was literally the head dev asking to know more about the bugs

the issue isn't your attitude, the issue is you've been very vague in explaining what you mean by 'glitches'

you should probably post some reproduction steps for the most egregious of bugs you've ran into, or at least some descriptions + replays

If you want to say what is and isn't an issue, then I suggest you do research.

I told them to add information, and to stop demanding action without first providing information. Something that has since been amended.

The issue is their attitude was preventing them from adding content, and instead just raging "ugh these glitches, fix it" is not the way to do anything, and getting the issue solved with that anger preventing them from explaining the issues IS AN ISSUE, just not the issue listed in the Title. However when one issue prevents a person from solving the Main Topic the two flow hand in hand. So it was an issue, an issue that has been corrected since.

The latter you posted, is the typical troubleshooting method.

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Post #20 by Megamaw » Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:20 pm

Megamaw wrote:y'all are fighting but the first reply of the thread was literally the head dev asking to know more about the bugs

the issue isn't your attitude, the issue is you've been very vague in explaining what you mean by 'glitches'

you should probably post some reproduction steps for the most egregious of bugs you've ran into, or at least some descriptions + replays

If you want to say what is and isn't an issue, then I suggest you do research.

I told them to add information, and to stop demanding action without first providing information. Something that has since been amended.

The issue is their attitude was preventing them from adding content, and instead just raging "ugh these glitches, fix it" is not the way to do anything, and getting the issue solved with that anger preventing them from explaining the issues IS AN ISSUE, just not the issue listed in the Title. However when one issue prevents a person from solving the Main Topic the two flow hand in hand. So it was an issue, an issue that has been corrected since.

The latter you posted, is the typical troubleshooting method.

who are you and what is your stake in this other random person's bug report thread

from what i can tell you're not a mod or an admin, you're just some dude lookin' to start an internet fight and complain about someone else's behavior when it has nothing to do with you, and you're not looking to offer helpful solutions

i'm well aware what i listed was standard practice for bug reporting, yes, but we're not 'born' with that knowledge, at least not to my recollection, so it felt like it was of use to the OP

i'm not sure what your angle is here

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