A few ideas

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A few ideas

Post #1 by Zepharos » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:42 pm

Goat button for deck constuctor
Seeing as an entire lobby is built just for goat format on duelingbook I think a goat button in deck constructor that removes everything not in the format away and applies the 2005 banlist would be helpful towards having more people play goat format at least with the wave of younger yugioh players who venture over to Duelingbook.

Time-stamp for PM
I think having a time-stamp option for DB Pms would be helpful for Tournament Organizers who have to clock inactivity vs when the inactivity is report and could help with evidence in disputes like it does for Logs with time-stamps.

Quick search for friend duels.
I think a function for Duelingbook where you can go to your friends duel to watch would be a neat function though not sure if implementable or not. The function would work like it would for sending a Message. go to online users, Click Watch duel and it would take you to the duel from the main duel room lobby sort of like a neat shortcut because sometimes typing in a users name into the search bar on the dueling page doesn't work when you leave and then try to go back in.

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