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copy deck button in deck constructor

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:41 am
by CrystalMusic
i think adding in a "Copy Deck" button in the deck constructor would be a great idea. allow me to explain:

EXAMPLE: say you have a Advanced legal deck you like, but you want to change it up a bit, like, say add in a few custom support cards, but also keep the original: Adding in a copy deck button would be a great idea as it would allow you to automatically create an exact duplicate of the deck, then allow you to name the new deck. This would save time, and effort for those who want to add in different cards, but keep most of them in the deck.

Heres my example: Say i want to run Roids but i dont want to go thru all the hassle of constantly going back and fourth between my original Roid deck and my new Roid deck that im making, Adding in a "Copy Deck" button will allow me to copy the Roid deck and input a new name for the deck, then i can just alter the cards after that, save the deck and BAM! deck created/edited super fast, and saved time.

think of how many other decks ppl could use this feature for. Im sure alot of people would use this feature.

Re: copy deck button in deck constructor

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:45 am
by Runzy
There is the "Save As" button that lets you do this in the deck constructor already.