It would be nice if you could set Custom Card search to friends only.

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It would be nice if you could set Custom Card search to friends only.

Post #1 by FrozenRoy » Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:43 am

Having the only two options be your own personal cards or ALL custom cards makes it difficult to find specific custom cards unless you search by username, which as far as I can tell only lets you search one person at a time (if anyone knows otherwise let me know!), so when me and my friends want to share customs it is a bit difficult.

It would be nice if "Friends Custom Cards" (or "Me and My Friends") was an option and would show the custom cards of everyone on your friends list: This would make it relatively easy to find custom cards with people you might be trying to play with and I imagine would not be a huge coding project. Do you think it would be possible to do so?

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