
If you have a suggestion for the site, create a topic here and telll us about it
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Post #1 by 555 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:23 am

Dear ones, first of all, I want to demonstrate and say that I love this site, otherwise I wouldn't be spending time here writing this, when I might as well not care and abandon it, as people usually do. And everything that is written here, is the opinion of a user/customer. I hope this message reaches the two main developers of the site. The opinion of others is not relevant here, since people only think of spitting in your face because they think they are superior.
As you all must have already noticed, the site is currently in a HUGE shortage of judges. Many people I know are abandoning the site due to the long wait for judges, to make decisions against cheaters and people who are absent maliciously. The site has virtually no judges present on a regular basis. This problem could be solved with a new judge exam. The problem is that when someone tries to argue this to staff, they usually say: "There is no need for a new exam if we already have 1". Yes, indeed, but it turns out that the exam can only be done once per user. My point is that people who don't pass can prepare even more to take the next exam and end up passing. This would end with the argument of "there are not enough people qualified". The delay for a new exam is very big, and in fact I don't blame them, because it is a volunteer job. However, when people are interviewed, they are aware that even though it's a volunteer job, they should be more committed to it. Being aware of all this, they end up giving up after a while. I have concrete evidence of Judges and even Senior Offline for more than 10 months. There should be an URGENT and concrete cleaning of the entire staff to end all these dead weight, since 76% (by my calculations) of the current staff, is no longer active. I am very observant, and see everything that happens inside, even not being part of the staff, in recent months there were failed choices for Head Administrators, people who accepted the post and then left. This, I believe, happened because the high council takes too long to make a decision, and when it happens the chosen person is already full of the site itself and ends up leaving (this is what happens with most of the judges that are still on the site's list).

I come here with an appeal for you staff to think more of the users as customers and not just random people using "it". To take more in thought that a CHANGE must be made. The problem is that you guys who are part of the Staff are very closed and reserved, we never know what you plan to do, you don't interact with the users, and I won't even talk about the ones you despise. Remember that this site consists of people who also "pay" to use it.
Be and be more open to people who are willing to help the site in some way other than "judging duels", bring more people in. Just don't use the same excuse for everything: "This is a volunteer job", since there are people who want to contribute but are not heard.
The site itself is very good, but with 5-6 years of existence, it has not had any major changes, just additions of "a button here and there". And this, I believe, is what is affecting the drop in users besides the lack of judges. I am writing this extremely tired after a full day of work to show that laziness is no excuse for volunteer work, and to see if this at least reaches the ears of those who really care.

To those who continue after years, thank you very much, and really think about what is written here, besides giving a robotic answer or just ignoring it because it is a message from a mere random user. Give more voices to "changes" and don't be so arrogant, reserved or antisocial, be examples of professionals.

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Post #2 by Genexwrecker » Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:51 am

this topic again. Okay I will adress your points in full.

1.) As you all must have already noticed, the site is currently in a HUGE shortage of judges. - We actually have a lot of judges right now over 50 to be accurate. However no matter how many we have it simple is not possible for us to always be on we have our own lives.

2.) This problem could be solved with a new judge exam. The problem is that when someone tries to argue this to staff, they usually say: "There is no need for a new exam if we already have 1". Yes, indeed, but it turns out that the exam can only be done once per user. My point is that people who don't pass can prepare even more to take the next exam and end up passing. This would end with the argument of "there are not enough people qualified". The delay for a new exam is very big, -A new exam is always being made even right after the exam is released. However Exams like this take time to make and a lot has to go into them. New exams provide another opportunity for those who failed the previous exam or were not considered to re-apply for a judge position.

3.) because it is a volunteer job. However, when people are interviewed, they are aware that even though it's a volunteer job, they should be more committed to it. Being aware of all this, they end up giving up after a while. I have concrete evidence of Judges and even Senior Offline for more than 10 months. There should be an URGENT and concrete cleaning of the entire staff to end all these dead weight, since 76% (by my calculations) of the current staff, is no longer active.- This is showing a bit of ignorance here. The entire site itself is indeed volunteer we all have lives including the owner. He only updates the site when he has the free time to do so. We judge the site when we have free time to do so. and this claim that our seniors are inactive is horribly shallow minded. Wether or not you see their actual account online or not does not equate to being inactive. Every senior is currently active and have been They do not need to be online to provide incredible usefulness to the judge team and the site. You only see the surface but not how things actually work. We ourselves also have alt staff accounts that usually remain inactive fairly long. We have over 50 judges currently hired. out of all that I would say 2 are slightly inactive.

4.) I am very observant, and see everything that happens inside, even not being part of the staff, in recent months there were failed choices for Head Administrators, people who accepted the post and then left. This, I believe, happened because the high council takes too long to make a decision, and when it happens the chosen person is already full of the site itself and ends up leaving (this is what happens with most of the judges that are still on the site's list). -For somebody who claims to be observant you like to make a lot of assumptions. None of the head judges were unqualified for their positions. They all have their personal reasons for stepping down or leaving duelingbook. A good chunk of judges who quit tend to just move forward with their lives and that is why they leave to focus on that instead of being inactive which is something you hate.

5.) I come here with an appeal for you staff to think more of the users as customers and not just random people using "it".The players on the site are not "customers" They are a community that we provide a platform to thrive. Nobody is buying a service here We all come together to make the site what it is in the end not one or the other. The site is nothing without its users and the site is nothing without its staff we all exist together to be together as a community.

6.) The problem is that you guys who are part of the Staff are very closed and reserved, we never know what you plan to do, you don't interact with the users, Hilariously I'm actually extremely involved with the users. If other judges focus more on getting the calls done I focus more on interracting with the users in their stead. I take suggestions I log suggestions and keep track of many things. Before you posted here perhaps you should have gone over my suggestion checklist. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=21490&p=82218#p82218 I also over see what occurs in the tournaments and handle feedback for that as well.

7.) Remember that this site consists of people who also "pay" to use it.- We do not charge a single player to use this site. There is literally not any option to pay to use the site. If you ended up actually paying somebody cause they said you needed to pay to log in and duel and deckbuild you got scammed.

8.) Be and be more open to people who are willing to help the site in some way other than "judging duels", bring more people in.-There are 3 ways for users to directly help the site: Applying for the judge position or TO position, making suggestions for the site and discussing possible improvements with staff(generally me or xteven) or donating. Outside of this users just being involved in the community itself is the biggest help of all.

9.) The site itself is very good, but with 5-6 years of existence, it has not had any major changes, just additions of "a button here and there".-The site itself functions as a Manual Simulator that mimicks irl play as much as possible that an online platform can. due to this there are no major changes that drastically need to take place. The main improvements that need to be focused on are making cards playable, making the site stable, and eliminating glitches.

10.) I am writing this extremely tired after a full day of work to show that laziness is no excuse for volunteer work, and to see if this at least reaches the ears of those who really care.I do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to type this but us not being online for our volunteer moderating and judging has nothing to do with laziness and has more to do with our lives. We have more than just work to deal with we have families, other hobbies, things to discuss in our judge chat, life events. Automatically saying that me saying our job is volunteer and that is why are not not on all the time as laziness is actually incredibly disrespectful.

11.)To those who continue after years, thank you very much, and really think about what is written here, besides giving a robotic answer or just ignoring it because it is a message from a mere random user. Give more voices to "changes" and don't be so arrogant, reserved or antisocial, be examples of professionals.- I have given users a lot of voice more so than others. We have a suggestions section here and in our discord. I go through these sections whenever something gets posted and either disuss it, decline it, or reference to the checklist and end the discussion. These sections are your voices and the best way to communicate suggestions for the site like you did here. Not only was your voice heard but The one who oversees the suggestions took a very long time to go over each point you made and adress them.

for the rest of you This suggestion is covered on our checklist which I have linked above.
Official Duelingbook Support staff
Official Duelingbook Resource Judge
Official Duelingbook Tournament Admin.(Other tournament Admin is Runzy)

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Post #3 by 555 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:49 am

Dear Genex, I am glad you answered me. I wrote it knowing that you would see my appeal, but, as I mentioned, the reason I wrote it is so that it will reach the 2 main developers. As you did, I will also list some observations.

Point 1 - Reading what you wrote, it sometimes seemed that you were also included in what it says "inactive". You are still one of the few people who care about small causes and the voices of the "minors". But I ask that when you say something about the staff, you speak only for yourself. Clearly you do not know how the in-game behavior of judges in DB, I do not speak based on 1 or another, I speak in general aspect.

Point 2 - At the beginning of this message I clearly realized that what I wrote was a waste of time. Saying something like "this topic again" may not seem like it, but it implies that this was already a subject that was raised and that now you have no interest in it, and it won't change anything even if several and several people touch on the subject (My God, this boring subject, again, typical of people who don't know what they are talking about).

Point 3 - When I talk about cleaning up the staff, I mean the ones listed on "The Team" page of this forum. No matter what they say or how much they deny it, there should be a cleanup to eliminate all these dead weights. Saying that of this entire list only 2 are inactive made me laugh and think that you are not taking what I said seriously (please don't make me throw names here). I know all the alternate accounts of the current heads and the old ones too, as well as the ones of the judges who needed to change. I am not assuming, I am sure I know. When I said senior, I didn't mean in general, only 1 of them is inactive (for more than 10 months) and that is not an alternate account or anything like that, that's why I think a cleanup should be done, that also fits in a change.

Point 4 - I am not complaining about "everything and everyone", I am making a criticism that I believe is constructive, but as I said, you are very closed and reserved (I am not talking about you GenexWrecker) and when you are going to talk about this kind of subject, please, speak only for yourself. I believe that there is still much that can be improved, however, what takes to be a volunteer work takes too much time to be done (this did not happen in the old platform) due to the large amount of users. I ask you all: Why do you think people are abandoning the site? Someone not arrogant and open minded, I am willing to talk, to others who think they are superior and spit in your face, I don't have time. There is a big difference between being inactive for a few days or some time because you have to take care of private matters, family matters, etc., and being inactive for months and months. Saying "we have our own lives" to those people who don't join for months is also like saying "I don't want to do this anymore, I will leave", this is where I believe a filtering has to be done. In the old days, there were new DB-exams every year, clearly nowadays this time has extended too much, due to the small amount of active users and staff members. It's ok to disagree, but if you start looking at both sides of the coin it would be a start.

Pont 5 - The DB community is not the best due to the high toxicity, however, the interaction between staff and users is still very weak. Bring more people to interact with users, that would be a start, that's where the point comes in that it is not technically necessary to take an exam about rulings to have/to do this function, this aspect is more communication and absolutely nothing to do with knowledge about "rulings".
I still say that the site itself is very good, but it lacks (cleanliness, commitment and interaction between staff/users)

After thinking for some time, I have decided to permanently retire from DB, because no matter if 5 or 10 years pass, things will in fact never change and this is my last message here. As I closed before, my thanks to those who after many years continue helping.

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Post #4 by Christen57 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:48 pm

555 wrote:Dear Genex, I am glad you answered me. I wrote it knowing that you would see my appeal, but, as I mentioned, the reason I wrote it is so that it will reach the 2 main developers. As you did, I will also list some observations.

Point 1 - Reading what you wrote, it sometimes seemed that you were also included in what it says "inactive". You are still one of the few people who care about small causes and the voices of the "minors". But I ask that when you say something about the staff, you speak only for yourself. Clearly you do not know how the in-game behavior of judges in DB, I do not speak based on 1 or another, I speak in general aspect.

What does the in-game behavior of the judges have to do with certain judges being inactive or having to take multi-month/multi-week long breaks?

Point 2 - At the beginning of this message I clearly realized that what I wrote was a waste of time. Saying something like "this topic again" may not seem like it, but it implies that this was already a subject that was raised and that now you have no interest in it, and it won't change anything even if several and several people touch on the subject (My God, this boring subject, again, typical of people who don't know what they are talking about).

Duelingbook's staff prefers quality over quantity. They would rather have good quality but somewhat inactive judges than extremely active but bad quality judges, and good quality judges are hard to come by from what I've heard.

Point 3 - When I talk about cleaning up the staff, I mean the ones listed on "The Team" page of this forum. No matter what they say or how much they deny it, there should be a cleanup to eliminate all these dead weights. Saying that of this entire list only 2 are inactive made me laugh and think that you are not taking what I said seriously (please don't make me throw names here). I know all the alternate accounts of the current heads and the old ones too, as well as the ones of the judges who needed to change. I am not assuming, I am sure I know. When I said senior, I didn't mean in general, only 1 of them is inactive (for more than 10 months) and that is not an alternate account or anything like that, that's why I think a cleanup should be done, that also fits in a change.

I'm sure judges are automatically removed from their positions after 1 or 2 full years of inactivity, but even if not, this is a non-issue. Even if those judges become inactive, they still became judges in the first place because they proved to be qualified for the position, so if they return one day, they can and should be able to continue their duties like normal as long as they remain up-to-date on any latest rules/rulings.

Point 4 - I am not complaining about "everything and everyone", I am making a criticism that I believe is constructive, but as I said, you are very closed and reserved (I am not talking about you GenexWrecker)

Then who are you talking about?

and when you are going to talk about this kind of subject, please, speak only for yourself.

The "speak only for yourself" argument only works here if the staff she's claiming to speak on behalf of explicitly agree that she should speak only for herself or if she turns out to have said something objectively wrong about any of them. Until then, she is authorized to speak on their behalf.

I ask you all: Why do you think people are abandoning the site?

For various reasons.

Someone not arrogant and open minded, I am willing to talk, to others who think they are superior and spit in your face, I don't have time. There is a big difference between being inactive for a few days or some time because you have to take care of private matters, family matters, etc., and being inactive for months and months. Saying "we have our own lives" to those people who don't join for months is also like saying "I don't want to do this anymore, I will leave",

People saying they have their own lives absolutely does not automatically mean they don't want to participate on duelingbook anymore and is absolutely not "like" that. Plenty of people who've taken breaks from the platform did it because they needed to, not because they wanted to — because again, they have real life stuff going on they must address first.

this is where I believe a filtering has to be done. In the old days, there were new DB-exams every year, clearly nowadays this time has extended too much, due to the small amount of active users and staff members. It's ok to disagree, but if you start looking at both sides of the coin it would be a start.

This is the only thing I agree with you on. The new exam has been taking abnormally longer than usual to update. It's now 2023 and they're still using the 2021 one at the time of writing this.

[color=#00FF00]Bring more people to interact with users, that would be a start, that's where the point comes in that it is not technically necessary to take an exam about rulings to have/to do this function, this aspect is more communication and absolutely nothing to do with knowledge about "rulings".

This is not something specifically the staff need to do. This is something we ourselves can easily do right now. We can go to sites/places where we can promote duelingbook so more people get inspired to come give the platform a try.

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