Rating System Needs Change

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Rating System Needs Change

Post #1 by jonjones8 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:50 pm

The DB rating system is very flawed and needs to be changed. I was a high rated player on DN and on there the top 200 match ratings would be 1600+ at the end of a format and top 12 would be 1800+. On DB the top 200 match ratings are much more spread apart and this is because of the rating system. DB does not reward match wins as well as DN. On DN I remember gaining 27 points for 2-0ing someone with 1888 rating while I had 1861 rating. I also remember gaining 32 points from 2-0ing someone with 1900 rating while I was at 1806. I remember watching someone with 1940 rating gain 20+ points from a single match win. This does not exist on DB. On DB you gain on average 16 points from a match win when you get to 1600+. Gaining 30+ points from a match win does not happen and gaining 20+ points from a win is extremely rare.

Last format my highest match rating was 1932. I did well but I was also very lucky and had to go on a 12 match winning streak in order to do it. The format before that my highest match rating was 1734. What was the difference? My skills were relatively the same in both formats. The difference was I was a lot luckier last format. The point I'm making is I don't see much incentive or reward from playing DB rated competitively. DB's rating system just creates a lot of frustration because each match win does not reward you enough, but each loss punishes you very hard when you have high rating. It gets very frustrating when you lose a match on DB that was unwinnable due to the hands both players were dealt with, lose 33 points, and have to win 3 more in a row to gain back the points you lost. I think a tweak to the rating system which increases everyone's match ratings would create a more enjoyable experience on DB rated. I have visited other players' profiles who are top 200 in match and they stop playing rated when they have 1200-1800 rating and I can understand why. It's because DB's match rating system is flawed and needs to change.

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