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My account was frozen for 6 days without warning for killing time while opponent called judge for my misclick/misplay

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:15 pm
by Maxamillion
So my account was frozen for 6 days by a judge without warning for a misclick/misplay, or killing time pulling bls out of my deck and putting it on the field while we waited for the judge.

From the beginning I special summoned jester confit, activated Where arf thou he infinite impermanence jester confit in that column to negate where arf thou, next I played creature swap completely forgetting i clicked and put it in the same column as where arf thou and a little bit went by before i noticed as my opponent commented about it i said ohh sorry and moved it to the next zone over. Immediately the player got salty and then called a judge and threw a fit. Meanwhile i was tired of waiting so long for judges so i just started clicking randomly between main phase, draw phase, sp, he paused the game then unpaused i said lmao then just special summoned bls out of the deck before he paused the game again meanwhile waiting for the judge to arrive.

The judge finally arrives we both tell him what happened i put bls back in deck judge pauses game. Immediately after the judge looks at the playback he says I was trolling and special summoned bls and that i was getting frozen. I said no way was i trolling i was killing time and then said ill just forfeit the match and immediately admitted defeat then he freezes my account for 6 days no warnings, the judge didn't even make a ruling about what he wanted to happen. Even if he didn't like me killing time by doing stupid stuff all he had to say was put bls back or just give the opponent the match but frozen for 6 days?

The rules make it completely clear and the only way to get banned or frozen for more than 3 days is severe offenses which i did none.

So I appealed and the the guy says I got frozen for what happened last time like 50 duels ago when me and some dude were having an hour long conversation about dumb stuff trolling eachother just in the chat waiting for the judge to rule on a misclick to mainphase instead of standby phase to special summon treeborn frog and the judge that time froze me for 3 days no warning over a back and forth conversation waiting like an hour for the judge. But that one got appealed correctly.

And just to show how wrong this is please tell me where in the rules it says to ban someone for 6 days? I didn't even harass anyone i legit special summoned bls to kill time and they are making up rules to freeze my account for 6 days when in your own rulings these are the worst i should get? This place has become a joke at this point i think this site should be deleted if your judges don't even do what they are supposed to do and can immediately freeze someone for 6 days without warnings and don't even do what the rule book said. This game is unplayable if im at risk of getting frozen every time there is a minor misclick dispute.

Harrassment Minor: Warning

Harrassment Major: Frozen 2 Days

Harrassment Severe: Frozen 3-5 Days

Misplay Minor: Warning

Misplay Major: Game Loss

At worst I should of gotten a game loss and that was it. You people are literally not even going by the rules You set up. How much of a joke is that.

Re: My account was frozen for 6 days without warning for killing time while opponent called judge for my misclick/mispla

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:22 pm
by greg503
6 days means you got a strike (freeze) before.

Re: My account was frozen for 6 days without warning for killing time while opponent called judge for my misclick/mispla

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:35 pm
by WolFuRy
Lol, same but I reported someone and got frozen instead of him. Tried to appeal. Nothing happened so here I am frozen for absolutely no reason lmao

Re: My account was frozen for 6 days without warning for killing time while opponent called judge for my misclick/mispla

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:00 pm
by Renji Asuka
There's 0 reason for the OP to go into his deck when no card has been activated. So, yes, you were trolling.