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lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:23 pm
by Markus
it's actually a better deal to purchase discord nitro than to have donation codes. 5 dollars gets a month for discord nitro. you get half as much here.

i'm certain you would get more purchases if it were a better deal. its actually a really steep price just to use custom images dont you agree?

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:03 pm
by Genexwrecker
Okay it is very very hard to make me actually pretty mad. You don't seem to understand what the word "donation" Means do you? YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY PURCHASES. A donation is you giving money to help a certain group or ideal. Sometimes when you donate you will get something in return as a "Thank you". YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING IN RETURN. Your donation perks can most certainly be taken away we have done it before here and on duelingnetwork if you can't follow the rules with them.

I'm one of the 3 people in charge of running the tournaments and one of the 3 running dbycs Dubai. I not only help run these but i support duelingbook through the prizes of these tournaments and large scale events. All of the people who join these tournaments help support duelingbook Since every tournament will lead to a donation. I'm constantly donating hundreds of dollars to duelingbook to help support it and run our tournaments so others can support it as well. You complaining that you don't get "enough in return" Spits on all of the tournaments we host and on all of those who support duelingbook. I have never seen something so selfish in my life. We work hard to support duelingbook and we make sure others are able to support duelingbook through the tournaments. If you dont want to support it you dont have to but please don't spit in the faces of not only our tournaments but all who have helped and are currently helping duelingbook.

If you don't want to donate and don't have the money to donate THAT IS PERFECTLY FINE. There are other ways to support the site like the tournaments or just leaving positive comments for our judge team or tournament organizer team. The purpsoe of donations is not to gain something but to help keep duelingbook alive. You can help do this through other means.

Please I don't want to see this "duelingbook costs too much" stuff again same with discord nitro. You are using a free service and you have an optional way to support them with money or you can support them with suggestions and improvements and bug reports.

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:58 am
by Maximillion Pegasus

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:44 am
by Genexwrecker
Maximillion Pegasus wrote:Support.
You are going to have to explain what it is you are saying if you dont want to see another essay. The entire subject of this topic doesnt even exist because nothing costs anything donations are free. If you think it is not free then you are not donating.

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:15 pm
by Twisted Soul
I think 1 dollar for 3 days is perfectly fine. It's not even that expensive.....I don't see why people get discord nitro it's kinda ass. 1 dollar is very affordable. There are also more avatars and upcoming sleeves so if you don't think its cheap you can stick to those while others can donate to support the site. Nothing else I can really say, to be honest, it's your opinion that you think it's not worth it and I'm not going to write essays attacking you.

Have a nice day.

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:36 pm
by Lost in Illusions
calm the fuck down the guy only made an innocent suggestion. why you all start essay competition...

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:07 pm
by Markus
wow i can't believe that actually made u mad. uh.

ok lets stop pretending that they're actual donations. we all know the real deal. we couldn't sell someone else's stuff to people, so we have to say they're donations as a work around.

this isn't about me buying donation codes, i'd probably never buy them myself in the first place. whats really up is that i think whoever does should be given a decent deal. also like, prizes for tournaments just become better? there's literally nothing to lose. if you spend hundreds of dollars purchasing donation codes wouldn't you want to spend less to give out the same amount? this isn't selfish at all lol. like honestly this doesn't "spit in the faces of TOs" in any way whatsoever. like isn't Lost in Illusions the head TO on this site? he himself literally just said that this is an innocent suggestion. i'm pretty sure he doesn't feel like i spat in his face by saying that. this can actually make tournaments better. like imagine being able to get almost a week in dono off of a dollar. it makes it a lot more worth it. it doesn't even have to be much more time, it can just be some more. i just think it would probably sell better if it was cheaper? lol?

i'm not disrespecting anyone at all. you're kind of choosing to get upset about this because nothing here is rude at all. i'm not telling people to not purchase them or something.

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:15 pm
by Twisted Soul
People getting too worked up over a suggestion btw. e.e I responded originally just to roast discord nitro btw.

Re: lower the price for donation codes

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:41 am
by Markus
for sure, tournament organizers will never stop purchasing donation codes, and having more worth while tournaments to join means better everything for everybody. nobody would be purchasing donation codes less because they last longer. it would probably make people buy donation codes more since its an actually good deal. you could probably give it a trial run and advertise that they're cheaper if you wanted to just so you could test them out.