New Donation Feature

If you have a suggestion for the site, create a topic here and telll us about it
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New Donation Feature

Post #1 by DarkCasterX1 » Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:31 pm

Imagine if people who donated could get a custom "duel mat" image. Where its basically the look of a active field spell but only on their side. It also has priority over field spell art. Meaning that if you or the opponent activates a field spell, it wouldn't replace your custom art. Both players see the image you have, but you can turn it off in settings. So you don't see other peoples custom field images. So this will be custom images in addition to the already profile pic and card sleeves. I can see people doing custom images for this OR using actual duel mat art.

This may take a lot of work to do, but it can be another reason for people to donate. People donate to support the page and creators, along with get nice features. Perhaps we should do a poll to see how many people would like this feature. If we do a poll, I think it would be good to inform people on Duelingbook itself as well. I don't think everyone goes onto the forums often. Heck, this is only my 3rd time on here in 2 years haha.

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