Instructions on how to bypass the character limit for deck names in the deck constructor

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Instructions on how to bypass the character limit for deck names in the deck constructor

Post #1 by Christen57 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:37 am

Normally when creating a deck and giving it a name, or editing the name of an already existing deck, in the deck constructor, there is a limit as to how many characters your deck's name can have. For example, if you wanted to name your deck "interplanetarypurplythorny deck" you could type "interplanetarypurplythorn" but then you wouldn't be able to type "y deck" as that would exceed the character limit for deck names.


I don't get why this limit exists, let alone why the limit is so small. Fortunately, I have found a way to bypass this using javascript.

You need to make sure javascript is enabled/allowed on duelingbook, obviously, and when enabling javascript on duelingbook, you may need to refresh/reload the page for the changes to take effect.

Create a javascript bookmark. Name it whatever you want. For this demonstration, I will be naming my bookmark "deck namer".


In the box that says "URL," copy and paste this line of code:

javascript:document.getElementById("input").getElementsByClassName("input_txt")[0].setAttribute("maxlength", "300");

Click "Save" to save your bookmark. Note that on other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, the URL box may instead be referred to as a "Location" box or an "Address" box, and the "Save" button may instead be referred to as an "Add" button.



After you save your bookmark, go to duelingbook's deck constructor, and select either the option to create a new deck or the option to rename an already-existing deck in order to bring up the menu where you have to input a deck name.



Click on your newly created javascript bookmark. Now you should be able to enter a name that is as long as you want, without being limited to 25 characters for your deck name.



That's how you bypass the character limit for deck names in the deck constructor.

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Post #2 by DarkPhenix » Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:24 pm

I am not sure the admins on DB would want you explaining how to exploit features of the site
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Post #3 by Christen57 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:24 pm

DarkPhenix wrote:I am not sure the admins on DB would want you explaining how to exploit features of the site

They had no problem with me explaining how to get the custom card id of custom cards, how to mark face-up cards, how to upload mp3's and youtube videos as profile songs, how to get the replay id of duels without having to wait for the duel itself to finish first, where to find the sound effects that duelingbook uses, how to create link pendulum customs, how to randomly pick cards out of your extra deck, how to utilize the search features of duelingbook's forum, or how to manually switch between the flash and html5 versions of duelingbook.

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Post #4 by greg503 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:40 pm

How can you exploit a feature. Did you mean to say bug? Regardless, these are optional and don't harm the user experience, most players won't use them anyway.
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Post #5 by DarkPhenix » Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:54 pm

From personal experience, duelingbook takes any actions that affect the site from any end very seriously and can and will ban you for doing so.
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Post #6 by Christen57 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:32 pm

DarkPhenix wrote:From personal experience, duelingbook takes any actions that affect the site from any end very seriously and can and will ban you for doing so.

They could very easily just patch all of these or implement countermeasures to keep people from executing javascript commands if they really wanted to stop them, but like greg503 said, this isn't that big of a deal since it's not hurting anyone or the site.

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Post #7 by Christen57 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:34 pm

I updated my code so that not only will you be able to raise the character limit for deck names in the deck contructor to 10 times it's original limit, but you will also be able to increase the character limit for your profile to 10 times it's original limit.

Code: Select all

javascript:document.getElementById("input").getElementsByClassName("input_txt")[0].setAttribute("maxlength", "250");document.getElementById("my_profile").getElementsByClassName("profile_txt")[0].setAttribute("maxlength", "50000");

Now if you go to "My Profile" and run this code, the character limit for your profile will be raised from 5,000 to 50,000. The code will also still work normally when naming decks.


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Post #8 by Batman Who Laughed » Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:05 am

How would you bypass the Deck Limit for having only 3 copies of the same card?

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Post #9 by Christen57 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:12 pm

Batman Who Laughed wrote:How would you bypass the Deck Limit for having only 3 copies of the same card?

You would do so using this command:

Code: Select all

function limitReached() {return false}

However, trying to Save a deck with more than 3 of the same card in it will give you the following error, making it impossible to actually take such a deck into a duel:

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Post #10 by eyal282 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:03 pm

When a limit is placed only on the client, it is usually an optional limit. When I contacted Xtevens about the ability to use these things to see the 10 banished cards with Desires, it was almost immediately patched.

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