A button for Fusion Guard

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Maliku Ishutaru
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A button for Fusion Guard

Post #1 by Maliku Ishutaru » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:26 am


Forgive me if I'm just being bad, but I don't think there's really a good way going about replicating "random" properly here. Could a button be added to randomly ditch 1 Fusion Monster from the ED?

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Post #2 by Christen57 » Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:58 am

Until an option to randomly send extra deck monsters to the graveyard is added, here's what you can do: If you are randomly choosing between 2 fusion monsters, just use a coin toss to determine which fusion monster to send to the graveyard. If you are randomly choosing from 3, 6, or 11 fusion monsters, use the dice.

(If randomly choosing 1 of 3 fusion monsters, assign one of the fusion monsters numbers 1 and 2, the other, 3 and 4, and the last one, 5 and 6, and roll the dice, and if it's 1 or 2, choose the first one, if it's 3 or 4, choose the second one, and if it's 5 or 6, choose the third one. If randomly choosing 1 of 6 fusion monsters, assign each of those fusion monsters a number from 1 or 6, giving each of them a different number, and roll the dice to determine which of those monsters to choose. If randomly choosing 1 of 11 fusion monsters, assign each fusion monster a number from 2 to 12, giving each of them different numbers, roll the dice 2 times and choose the fusion monster whose assigned number is equal to the sum of the two dice rolls.)

Otherwise, send all the fusion monsters from your extra deck to the graveyard so that they are arranged from left to right in the graveyard. Starting from the left of those fusion monsters in the graveyard, going to the right, toss a coin, and if the result is heads, return that fusion monster to the extra deck and move on to the next fusion monster in the graveyard, and if the result was tails, leave that fusion monster in the graveyard and move on to the next fusion monster in the graveyard anyway. Once you move on to the next fusion monster in your graveyard, repeat the coin tossing process, putting it back into the extra deck if the coin is heads, and leaving it and moving on to the next one if the coin is tails. Once you reach the fusion monster at "the end of the line," toss a coin, and if the result is heads, put it back into the extra deck, and if the result is tails, move all the way back to the beginning of the line, of those fusion monsters in your graveyard, and start over, and repeat all of this until you are left with only 1 fusion monster in the graveyard. The last fusion monster remaining will be the "randomly chosen" fusion monster "sent to the graveyard".

This is what it will look like: https://i.imgur.com/X2kzBdj.mp4

As you can see, I used 4 fusion monsters to demonstrate how to do this, but this can be done with any amount of fusion monsters, although it takes longer the more fusion monsters you use, and I chose to put the monsters on the field instead of the graveyard, but if you don't have enough room on the field to put them you will have to put them in the graveyard which has more room.

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Post #3 by Christen57 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:00 am

Maliku Ishutaru wrote:https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Fusion_Guard

Forgive me if I'm just being bad, but I don't think there's really a good way going about replicating "random" properly here. Could a button be added to randomly ditch 1 Fusion Monster from the ED?

Here. https://forum.duelingbook.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=10781

I made an entire guide on how to get around this and still be able to randomly choose cards in the extra deck for the effect of Fusion Guard.

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Post #4 by eyal282 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:36 am

Dueling Book Unlock

You cannot use my extension to mill a random extra deck card. What you can do is randomly banish a random extra deck card, face-up and then reduce it to the GY.

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