Suggestion to Freeze Player: caiusdw

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Suggestion to Freeze Player: caiusdw

Post #1 by Bloodclown » Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:16 am

Apologies if this isn't the right place I'll put a separate one under a different caterogy.

Short summary is Gm 1 this player threatened to get me frozen for a reason which isn't clear (Perhaps because I said I'd get a glass of water briefly). The true issue occurs in Gm 3 where this player 'caiusdw' calls judge, pauses game, declares that I've cheated by using an effect two times (2x) and then afk's/stalls into the abyss while a judge isn't on and refuses to give an explanation as to where I've cheated and simply decries the game as an irreversible game state (Something which is unequivocally false as his original accusation of me using an effect two times is false, there's no mention of where the error occurred again, and even if it was true the chances of it being irreversible while still being my turn are slim to none). (I should also note the sheer absurdity of him accusing me of using the same effect twice given that he's already seen the same combo in Gm 1)

Shortly thereafter we proceed to wait for almost 20 minutes for an adjudicator of some kind to appear before he simply disconnects and/or logs out. I rarely post, I rarely complain about anything, but this guy needs to be frozen for some amount of time three days or a week that's not up to me however for threatening a freeze, being in the wrong the entire time, and then attempting to stall.

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Post #2 by greg503 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:11 pm

posting.php?mode=post&f=7 is where you want to go
Buy Floowandereeze

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