About the rules of freeze and ban

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About the rules of freeze and ban

Post #1 by Kurs_X5 » Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:02 am

There's this guy named Deviant Elpi does malicious afk while somehow using an external program to press on the shuffle button of the game to make sure that he will never lose for time-out like he did with me this time:

The issue is that as other players told me that this isn't the first time and that he does it a lot and got frozen lot of times but when he gets back he continue doing this, harming the experience of the game.

I know the rules of the site says that that kind of behaviour only deserves 3 days frozen or so but if people like him continuously do that, shouldn't that deserve a permanent ban?
I mean, you people of DB, should do a change on rules to get this guy (and others like him) that do that (do malicious afk a lot of times and using external programs) a permanent ban OR at least strengthen an anti cheat program so people can't do that.

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Post #2 by Genexwrecker » Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:47 am

The rules work I assure you if somebody is nothing but a consistant pain on the site they will be removed permanently.
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