Replay's graphics

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Replay's graphics

Post #1 by M112x » Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:15 am

Why dont you extend then new graphics in the replay during normal play?

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Post #2 by DuskWill » Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:35 am

I suppose that it takes some time to fully convert the whole site system from Flash to HTML5, like they have done with the replays so far. You can see that replays now doesn't require Flash, as you can also watch them on smartphones and tablets.

A set of scripted instructions is one thing, but the whole process of both synchronous and asynchronous flow execution, rank system, account management, card creation (from both player and server side), and everything else is not something that can be re-written with no major testing or some issues occuring, even after testing.

On a non-related topic, though, even though I find the new replay gralhics smooth, I don't like much how the scrollbar behaves regarding keeping the chat focused on the latest message. Maybe it's just me, but I find chat important in many duels I end up having to watch.
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Post #3 by M112x » Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:05 pm

i didnt know replay arent in flash. Ty for your answer.

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