duel timer

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duel timer

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:14 am

now i know most will hate this idea but hear me out:

I for one think adding a duel timer as an optional setting for the "Host a duel" box would be a good idea. I think a minimum of 2 minutes should be enough for those who can think on their feet. SO i think having a duel timer, with a minimum of 2 minutes, and a max of whatever the majority of the site thinks, would be a good idea.

i, personally, hate when one takes forever to make a move because in my opinion you should either:
A: know how your deck works along with its cards
B: if you are testing, notify your opponent by saying: Hey im testing this out so sorry if i take a while to make a move

if im notified before the duel starts that you are testing im more lenient or patient. However this does not mean i will sit and wait like 4+ minutes for you to make a move(s)

As for those who oppose this idea: this is why i said it should be an OPTIONAL setting for the host, this way both those who like this idea, and those who oppose it get their wish. Those who like it can have the duel timer, while those who oppose duel timers can find a host who didnt select the duel timer in the host a duel settings.

now as for how th etimer works? simple: as soon as you have started your turn the timer begins to count down from whatever it was set at by the host (ill say it was set at 2 minutes a an example for this post) now the timer will begin at 2:00 and count down to 0:00, only pausing when you are looking thru your deck, summoning a monster, setting a monster, activating a card, or setting a card. itll also pause when attacking. as for what happens if the timer hits 0:00 and you havnt ended your turn? it automatically ends your turn. (a duel loss would be to harsh in my opinion) the timer will reset itself to whatever the host set the default timers time setting for in the host a duel options. (example: if the host selected 3 minutes for the timer, at each players start of their turn the timer will rest to 3:00 and count down to 0:00 after the inital draw of the draw phase)

AGAIN: this would be an OPTIONAL setting for the "Host a Duel" settings. So if you dont like the idea, and this suggestion is added in, find someone who does not have a duel timer in their duel.
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Post #2 by DuskWill » Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:04 am

The idea sounds nice and all, but the most suitable feature would be a chess clock-like stopwatch instead of a regular timer for each turn, as there are stuff that aren't entirely dependent on the player's turn. Some examples that comes to mind are the opponent chaining a card on your turn, searching the deck as a result of a trigger effect, performing a summon, or simply typing on chat to name a card for an effect like Cloak and Dagger or Mind Crush.

How do you suggest for a semi-manual system verify the game state for a timer in order to assure fairness for both players involved?
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Post #3 by CrystalMusic » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:05 pm

DuskWill wrote:The idea sounds nice and all, but the most suitable feature would be a chess clock-like stopwatch instead of a regular timer for each turn, as there are stuff that aren't entirely dependent on the player's turn. Some examples that comes to mind are the opponent chaining a card on your turn, searching the deck as a result of a trigger effect, performing a summon, or simply typing on chat to name a card for an effect like Cloak and Dagger or Mind Crush.

which is why it would only count down when not performing actions (actions such as activating a card, setting, summoning, ect will not cause the timer to count down as these are basic actions of a duel) itll only count down when you are not performing an action (or AFK)

what i do is i look at my cards during my opponent's turn, by the time its my turn i usually have a plan all ready to go for my turn which is why i think fast because i plan ahead. however, if my plan is thwarted i think of a back up plan.
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Post #4 by DuskWill » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:53 pm

Yeah, but... that would still be one-sided. One opponent taking too long to react to some play, chain a card or plainly replying "OK" should also be penalised.

Like I said, there are moments where the game state is closed and the opponent can chain to some card activation, so a timer should run for them. This happens in many automatic softwares for card games, like YGO Pro and MTG Arena. However, it would require either some automation from the website, in order to continuously check cards, or some constant clicking and checking the "chess clock", which would, inevitably, make duels longer in the optimal case scenario.

Either way, despite being an optional setting, this suggestion requires way more development input and player annoyance in order to achieve... what again? In Rated duels people usually resort to admins so they can penalise slow play, while in Unrated, a duel loss means basically nothing, specially with replays proving what happened. Both cases can be improved by respectively recruiting more staff and simply leaving the duel, in which, from what I've heard, you are no stranger to it.
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Post #5 by ZARC the king » Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:09 pm

Yugioh Pro has a timer like this,but it dosen t prevent the players from say,not clicking: "do you want to responde? yes/no? " yes the timer still runs on them,and theiy lose the duell if theiy don t click anything,but if your only issue here is that the other side "takes to long" to make a move,that isen t something you can prevent with this,like at all,the guy may know that he has a time-turn for 5mins(used to be the standard in all Offical-DS and gameboy games for a turn) yet he may still use up 2-3mins of it just for thinking,thats perfectly legal,so if you have a issue with players taking 2 mins for a turn,well i guess you just need to get used to it and be more patient.i mean honestly i played on some ycs in the past 2-3 years,and peopel on average take 2-3 mins per turn if not more because of ruling qestions and chains ect.so yea while i agree with your overal idea of improofing dueling book with a timer,i don t think it will solve your issue in particular. just saying xd.

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Post #6 by LightCaster » Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:35 am

CrystalMusic having a decent idea? That's a first, now let's see if you can come up with decent cards that aren't seen as broken and not reeing over something ridiculous. Now don't be too intimidated, it's a tall order, but I'm sure you can somehow figure out how to do those next two things.

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