update/idea for custom cards format

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update/idea for custom cards format

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:47 pm

the idea: allow hosts to pick if the players (which includes the host) are limited to using only custom cards OR if they are allowed to mix TCG and OCG cards in with their custom cards.

Me personally? due to my massive imagination i have 66 fully custom archetypes. these 66 archetypes do not use any TCG or OCG cards in them. I do however have a few custom support cards for: Crystal Beasts, Dark Magician and Blue-eyes. However it is very rare that i use my custom Crystal Beasts, Dark Magican or Blue-eyes decks. Basically 99% of my custom decks contain only custom cards I made. I only have 3 that dont because i made my own custom support for Crystal Beasts, Blue-eyes and Dark Magician.

So basically I join the custom cards format for the intent of dueling other custom decks, not a TCG or OCG deck with custom support (unless my duel note says otherwise like: TCG/OCG + Custom Support)

The Result: this would make it easier for players to find an opponent they are willing to duel with and not leave the duel thus wasting time. (Its already hard enough {for me personally because i only play classic format} to find an opponent in the custom cards format as it is)

There is only so much a "Duel Note" can do.

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Post #2 by five » Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:54 am

You are quite literally the only person on this entire site that's even bothered by people not using customs in the custom room. The player playing actual cards is at an inherent disadvantage because you can more easily anticipate what cards will be in his deck, what plays he will try to make and how limited his cards are compared to what a custom card can do (which is literally anything). Yet you act like that player has the absolute advantage.

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Post #3 by Debt » Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:15 am

CrystalMusic wrote:due to my massive imagination

Lmao you have no imagination. You just take an IP or the most basic of concepts that you like, usually a video game, then just like how Nickelback releases the same song over and over again with some small differences you make the same cards over and over again with some small differences.

1. Repeatable search power, access to about 80% of the deck often including a copy of the card that can search. No Hopt so you can stack them and search out 2-5 cards a turn each turn if you wanted.
2. Big stats sticks, because you think this game is just a contest of numbers and nothing else exists hence why you believe 100k attack values are appropriate.
3. Unreasonable levels of protection, almost every archetype you makes has several cards that make everything unaffected and immune to kaijus. You quit the moment you see super poly so you never bother trying to make protection against it.
4. Cockblocking your opponent from being able to play cards, normally by restricting their ability to summon or negating all monsters except your own, sometimes just turning off atk/def boosts so they can never fight back against your unreasonable stat bricks.
5. A field spell akin to Rainbow Ruins, either based on counters for just summoning monsters or having cards on field or in graveyard, effect 1 will most likely be some form of this card can't be interacted with. The other effects will be protection, draw or attack increase, often all 3.
6. A virtually costless Solemn Judgment, this is rarer for you but several archetypes you've made have them.
7. A win-more "God Card" usually either an effect monster or a Fusion, that you hypocritically never need polymerization for despite you rage quitting when anyone doesn't use poly for fusion summons, with insane stat values and even more egregious protection like "can only be destroyed by a Dark Warrior or Light Machine monster with original attack higher than this card's original attack". Sometimes you include a Platinum Angel effect for good measure.

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Post #4 by CrystalMusic » Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:12 pm

look my cards are nothing compared to ppl who make insta win cards, or OTK's with the customs. its no fun being OTK'd or losing from your opponent playing a singular card that makes them instantly win.
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Post #5 by CrystalMusic » Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:18 pm

five wrote:The player playing actual cards is at an inherent disadvantage because you can more easily anticipate what cards will be in his deck, what plays he will try to make and how limited his cards are compared to what a custom card can do (which is literally anything)

i cant anticipate anything due to all the new crap you ppl like to use, you people are so used to using your zexal, arc-v and vrains era cards, eras i have no idea what is included in them. i stopped paying attention to yugioh after 5ds season 1 episode 1 (other than a few synchros i have acquired in card packs) not to mention using the new support for an old archetype like blue-eyes white dragon and using twinburst, or neo ultimate, heck magicians rod/robe with dark magician. maybe if ppl change their play style i might change mine. if you want me to change you gotta change too. its a two way road! you cant expect one to change if you wont change yourself
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Post #6 by NiwatoriFTW » Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:03 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:
five wrote:The player playing actual cards is at an inherent disadvantage because you can more easily anticipate what cards will be in his deck, what plays he will try to make and how limited his cards are compared to what a custom card can do (which is literally anything)

i cant anticipate anything due to all the new crap you ppl like to use, you people are so used to using your zexal, arc-v and vrains era cards, eras i have no idea what is included in them. i stopped paying attention to yugioh after 5ds season 1 episode 1 (other than a few synchros i have acquired in card packs) not to mention using the new support for an old archetype like blue-eyes white dragon and using twinburst, or neo ultimate, heck magicians rod/robe with dark magician. maybe if ppl change their play style i might change mine. if you want me to change you gotta change too. its a two way road! you cant expect one to change if you wont change yourself

And you're so used to using old cards that is no wonder why you have no idea what is included in nowadays decks. "Those people" lived those eras, they changed accordingly to new updates in game mechanics and new cards, they adapted themselves to whatever new situation the card game was living at the moment. They changed, you haven't.

And here's the most interesting part: nobody cares if you haven't adapted yet to the current state of the game. Nobody wants you to change and, most importantly, nobody wants to change because of you. And, yet, you demand your opponents to change backwards game-wise to a game state which you're most used to. It is, indeed, a two way road, but, in your case, it's like you having a broken car and wanting to be towed by someone going in the opposite direction.

I really can't understand why you want to make your issues everyone else's problem. You have quite the history manipulating the game and creating situations of assured victory (even more with custom cards) to the point that it can't be said that you're playing against someone, let along playing Yu-Gi-Oh!. But I guess that's the reason behind this suggestion anyway...

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Post #7 by CrystalMusic » Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:05 pm

go read my new post and youll see im willing ot adapt if people are willing to change
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Post #8 by yumafan30 » Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:15 pm

Can't you even finish reading this post? You sure ignored some important stuff here.

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Post #9 by Debt » Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:10 am

CrystalMusic wrote:look my cards are nothing compared to ppl who make insta win cards, or OTK's with the customs. its no fun being OTK'd or losing from your opponent playing a singular card that makes them instantly win.

I would rather get otk'd within the first 2 turns than get strung along in a 30 minute duel that's unwinnable like what you do to other people. And your Mortal Kombat deck literally includes an uncounterable instawin card, you just waited for your opponent to squirm for 30 turns when you had victory at least 9 turns before hand.

CrystalMusic wrote:
five wrote:The player playing actual cards is at an inherent disadvantage because you can more easily anticipate what cards will be in his deck, what plays he will try to make and how limited his cards are compared to what a custom card can do (which is literally anything)

i cant anticipate anything due to all the new crap you ppl like to use, you people are so used to using your zexal, arc-v and vrains era cards, eras i have no idea what is included in them. if you want me to change you gotta change too. its a two way road! you cant expect one to change if you wont change yourself

Your inability to do that doesn't make his point invalid. He's absolutely right. Even if you can't anticipate plays you have the advantage because your cards can do anything while your opponent's real cards are limited to what's currently acceptable to Konami. Hence why you can, and often times do, just have decks that are unaffected by everything which would never fly in the actual game. And people have changed, the fact that people have gone from mr 2 all the way to mr 4 without much issue tells you people change.

CrystalMusic wrote:go read my new post and youll see im willing ot adapt if people are willing to change

It's not even that you're not adapting. You've maladapted; how you want people to play isn't how anyone played at any point in time. Your very short time in Goat Format is testament to that fact lest you forget how you got easily destroyed by actual old school players.

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Post #10 by LensStorm » Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:54 pm

CrystalMusic, you are nothing but a hypocrite who has mal-adapted to the game. Even by now, I have a hunch that HppyLover could be you because of your same motivations! You want people to duel your way, and yet you make no effort to balance your cards! Duelists that refuse to change will die out.

Your cards have insane protection, and you deny your opponent from making a move. You don't put a HOPT on your cards, and yet you claim that other duelists are at fault, when it is really your fault! It's your mindset that has destroyed your dueling skills.

It's best that you and HppyLover go back to Goat Format.

FYI, Konami does a horrible job at balancing cards.

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Post #11 by CrystalMusic » Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:19 pm

wtf is a HOTP?
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Post #12 by LensStorm » Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:02 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:wtf is a HOTP?

A Hard Once Per Turn. It is used on searchers.

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Post #13 by xDEADCENTREx » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:06 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:wtf is a HOTP?

Yu-Gi-Oh! slang

The following words are commonly used by players to describe certain game mechanics but are NOT official terminology in Yu-Gi-Oh!, and therefore is not absolutely necessary to be followed/used. These word usually came from other card games, direct translation from other language (mainly from Japanese), or is a simplification for an entire action.

When referring to cards, players generically use the easier name between English and translated Japanese name.

OPT - Once Per turn; Limited activations.
Hard OPT / HOPT - Only once per turn.


Absorb - The act of using a monster as an Equip Card or treat it as Xyz Material, then possibly gain its power.
Advantage - The amount of cards one player has relative to another. Generally the player with more cards is seen as the one with better advantage.
Anti-Meta - Cards, Decks or strategies specifically designed to counter the best decks.
Ban - The act of forbidding a card from being used.
Banlist - List of Forbidden, Limited or Semi-Limited cards.
Book / Blanket - The act of flipping a monster to face-down Defense Position.
Board - The entire Field.
Bomb - A card that makes a large impact on the game when played.
Boost - The act of using an effect that increase ATK, DEF or effect's affection capability.
Boss/Boss Monster - The most powerful monster(s) of an archetype or Deck, either by ATK/DEF or by effect.
For example, the boss monster of the "Cubic" archetype is "Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic Lord".
Another example is "Lightsworn" deck which has multiple bosses: "Judgment Dragon", "Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn", and "Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn".
Bounce - The act of returning a card from the field to the hand.
Blast / Break - The act of destroying a card on the field.
Pop - To destroy a single card on the field.
Brick / Rot - A bad card combination in the hand that results in the player having to make a sub-optimal play or no play at all.
Bubble - In a tournament, to be in contention for one of the last few positions in the top-cut.
Buff - A positive effect applied on a monster OR the act of using it. Alternatively, it can also be used to refer to an OCG/TCG card's effect being made stronger than its anime/manga version.
Bump - In terms of card rarity, when a reprint of an individual card has its rarity upgraded higher then either its initial release or other previous reprints of a lower rarity (e.g. "Dinowrestler Pankratops" going from a Common in its initial release in Soul Fusion to a Secret Rare as its first reprinted instance in Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge.)
Burn - Effect damage and the act of using it.
Cancer - A card or a deck that focuses on lockdown to the point of being frowned upon.
Ceiling - A Deck's maximum potential "power" at its disposal.
Chase card - The most highly sought-after cards in a Booster Pack, usually attested to that card's power or value (e.g. "Heavymetalfoes Electrumite" in its first TCG release within Extreme Force).
Chimeratech - Multiple attacker in effect. This slang is taken from the name "Chimeratech Overdragon", arguably the most well-known multiple attacker.
Combo piece - A card that serves as a component to another card(s) that either work together better than those cards individually or aid in the Deck's functions (see Combo).
Control - A type of Deck whose core tenet is manipulating what the opponent can and cannot do (both proactively and reactively.)
Counter - Spell Speed 3 OR The act of using effect that would negate.
Consistency - The frequency at which a Deck performs the way it is intended to perform.
Cost - An action that must be performed in order to activate a card or effect.
Counterattack - A monster that had been attacked, but was not destroyed, destroys the attacker after the attack OR A monster gains ATK/DEF enough to overpower an attacking monster.
Dead Card - A card with no ability to impact the game.
Blank - To make an opponent's card have little to no value.
Deathtouch - An effect that destroys a monster during or after an attack.
Debuff - A negative effect applied on a monster OR the act of using it.
Degenerate - Something (typically card combos or plays) that require little-to-no thinking in its execution and is viewed as unfair by players.
Disrupt - The continual use of Floodgate and/or Counter Trap Cards.
Dump - The act of getting cards (of any number or specification) in the GY so that those card would be used later from the GY.
Engine - A number of cards that helps a Deck achieve a certain action or helps a player draw a good card.
For example, a player uses a "Windwitch" engine consisting of "Windwitch - Snow Bell", "Windwitch - Ice Bell", "Windwitch - Glass Bell", and "Windwitch - Crystal Bell" to Special Summon "Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon" quickly.
Extender - A card that can either facilitate larger plays or allows for recovery to proceed with a current play (e.g. "Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights").
Overextending - Unnecessarily wasting resources furthering a position that would have otherwise won a game.
Evolution - A card that is better than another card while the two cards holding a similar design OR the act of using one.
Fetch / Search / Tutor - The act of adding a card from your Deck to your hand, except by drawing.
Fizzle - A card resolving without applying its effect.
Flash - Spell Speed 2.
Flexible - The quality of a card being effective in a variety of situations.
Floater - A monster that generates card advantage either when it's Summoned or when it leaves the field; in the case of the latter, typically replacing itself with another card on the field (e.g. "Madolche Magileine" for its Summon and "Mermail Abysslinde" for if it's removed from the field.)
Floodgate - A card that restricts one or both players from performing certain actions.
Fodder - A card that is used solely as a Tribute, Material or for Costs.
Freeze / Suppress - Preventing a card's activation (e.g. the secondary effect of "Trickstar Light Stage".)
Fusion - "Polymerization" cards.
Game / Lethal - A combination of cards and actions that result in one player winning the Duel.
Garnet - Referencing "Gem-Knight Garnet", which is most often the "Gem-Knight" used in the "Brilliant Fusion"/"Gem-Knight Seraphinite" engine, a card that is a mandatory engine requirement, yet its completely useless while in the Hand.
GG (Good Game) - A phrase used at the end of the match that espouses good sportsmanship.
Grind Game - A situation where both players are making a minimal amount of moves and neither player can pull ahead.
OPT - Once Per turn; Limited activations.
Hard OPT / HOPT - Only once per turn.
Helmet - A deck that's linear and easy to play.
Inherent - Unofficial term for a type of Summon that neither requires an activation, nor starts a Chain.
Ignorant - Something that wins games on its own with little or no play interaction.
Lock / Bind - The act of keeping a monster useless on the field with difficulty in removing it.
Lockdown - A situation in which a player has extensive field control.
Loop - A series of action that results in the same or at least similar effect that can be used over and over again.
Lonefire - Referencing the effect of the monster of the same name, a monster that Tributes itself to Special Summon another monster from the Deck.
Lifelink - A negative effect that applies when a card leaves the field.
Link climb - Link Summoning Link Monsters typically in ascending order in terms of their Link Rating value, hence the name (e.g. in "Gouki" Deck strategies during 2018, Link Summoning the Link-2 "Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights" to use her effect(s) only to then use this monster treated with a Link Rating of 2 (along with another monster) in order to then Link Summon the Link-3 "Summon Sorceress".)
Make - To traditionally Special Summon a Fusion Monster, Synchro Monster, Xyz Monster or Link Monster from the Extra Deck (as in to use applicable monsters (and sometimes card effects in conjunction) in the appropriate manner(s) to do such.)
Meta - Competitive decks in the current banlist and card pool.
Mill - The act of sending cards from the top of a player's deck to the Graveyard.
Mimic / Copy - Having a card gain the property (usually Effect or ATK) of another card.
Minus - Decreasing the number of cards in one's hand/field.
Mirror Match - Two opposing Decks using the same Archetype, strategy or theme.
Missing the timing - The inability to activate a card/effect when it would meet its activation timing because it is not possible to activate it (stylized as When X: You can Y.)
MST / Cyclone - "Mystical Space Typhoon" OR the act of using it.
Mulligan - (Via a card effect,) Shuffling your hand cards back into your Deck and drawing a new hand; typically this term is used when this new hand has fewer cards than the old hand had.
Nerf - A card had its usability reduced, either by ruling or card effect. Alternatively, it can also be used to refer to an OCG/TCG card's effect being made weaker than its anime/manga version.
Netdeck - The act of completely copying a Deck (often those that win the YCS or placed high in a competition) from online sources without any modification.
Nuke - The act of destroying many/all cards on the field at once.
OP (Overpowered) / Broken / Busted - A card that is too powerful compared to other cards.
Open/Open with - A player's starting hand cards before the Draw Phase. "Open with" specifically pertains to one's initial hand to initiate combos or big plays (i.e. opening with "Noble Knight Medraut" in a "Noble Knight" Deck in order to best start this Deck's best Summoning strategy.)
Out/"The Out" - Specific card(s) that can be used to effectively counter either other card(s) or specific play(s) by your opponent.
Hate - Specific card(s) that can be used to effectively counter entire Decks or strategies (e.g. "Light-Imprisoning Mirror" against LIGHT Decks.)
Over/Get Over/Go Over - A monster with a high enough ATK that can destroy a noticeably annoying monster in terms of its high ATK/DEF.
Pile - A stack of card, usually Graveyard.
Pitch - Discarding a card or sending a card from the hand to the GY.
Play - An action involving playing a card or cards, often a combo, e.g. "making a play."
Plus - Increasing the number of cards in one's hand/field.
Powercreep - The process of which new cards outclass old cards in terms of strength.
Rage - Force Attacks in effect.
Record - A player's current standing in a tournament. In Yu-Gi-Oh!, it's usually represented in the X-0 or X-1 format in which X represents the number of wins and the right digit is the number of losses.
Recycle - The act of adding cards from the Graveyard to the hand or deck.
Reload - The act of recovering cards to use them as fodder.
Reset - The act of having a card returned to its initial state when it is placed on the field.
Reborn / Revive - The act of Special Summoning from the GY.
Rip - Forcing your opponent to discard a card (e.g. the effect of "White Magical Hat").
Rogue - A deck that sees little to no play in a competitive environment.
ROTA - A card effect that adds a card from the Deck to the hand. The term is an abbreviation for the Spell "Reinforcement of the Army", which is arguably the first meta-relevant card to have such an effect.
Row - Series of card Zones, with the "Front Row" referring to "Main Monster Zone" and the "Back Row" referring to "Spell & Trap Zone"
Backrow removal - The act of removing Spell/Traps from the field.
Rule-sharking - The abuse of Yu-Gi-Oh! rules to gain an unfair advantage. This form of unfair conduct is often used on less experienced players.
Sacrifice - Tributes, Materials or Costs and the act of using them.
Sack - Getting a lucky draw or having the perfect counter to an optimal play.
Salty - Being noticeably upset over a given situation.
Scale - The act of weighing Booster Packs to determine which pack has a rare card.
Scoop - Surrender; this is so-called because tournament players that admit defeat typically gather (hence "scoop") up their cards quickly to prepare for the next Duel or Match.
SEGOC - Simultaneous Effects Go On Chain.
Shadowstrike / Shadow Dive - Direct Attacker in effect.
Shut / Knock - The act of Negating, whether temporary or permanently.
Spawn - The act of summoning the same monster, usually Token or low-Level Monster with another card from time to time.
Spell Speed - A system that dictates whether or not cards can be activated in response to one another.
Spin - The act of placing a card on the field on top of the deck.
S/T / S&T / ST - Spell and Trap Cards.
Stack - The act of arranging cards to ensure a player draws a good card while the other doesn't.
Stall - The act of prolonging the game with a card effect, which will be met with penalties at tournaments.
Stand - The act of changing card to Face-up Attack Position OR a Monster remains on the field with high ATK/DEF for its current Battle Position.
Staple - A good card that can be used in many Decks, for example "Pot of Duality".
Starter - A card that serves as a player's play opener and sets the rest of their Deck in motion.
Steal - The act of taking your opponent's monster, or their card's property, for your own.
Suicide / Ramming / Crash - The act of intentionally attacking knowing the attacker will be destroyed.
(Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum or Link) Rule - Master Rule 1, 2, 3 nand 4, respectively.
Surprise - A harmful effect is put in play at a certain timing without the opponent foreseeing it.
Swarm / Spam - The act of summoning many monsters in a turn, regardless of battle power.
Swing - The act of declaring an attack.
T-Set - Setting a monster face-down and then setting a face-down Spell/Trap in the same column; so-called because this set-up results in the shape of a "T".
Tag Out - The act of a monster removing itself from the field and replacing itself with a different monster.
Tap / Rest - The act of changing card to Face-up Defense Position.
Thin - The act of removing cards from one's Deck during a Duel to increase the chances of drawing particular cards.
Tech / Spice - A card(s) placed in a Main Deck, Side Deck, or Extra Deck for the purpose of supporting a deck with cards that help it run smoother, deal with cards that would counter the deck, or to combat specific deck builds often run in the current Metagame.
Tempo - In a Duel, how one player's resources matches up against another's and the pace in which the game is played.
Thunder Mine - Harming effect that activates when a specific action is preformed by an opponent.
Time Bomb - A card that will destroy itself at certain timing, with harmful effect upcoming from that.
Tier n - Tiers are grouping systems win which Decks are ranked on their competitive viability and performance in a particular format. Tier n equals a number that can be beaten by other Tier n Decks of the same or higher-tiering (those whose numbers are less than n.)
Tier 0 - A deck that can only be beaten by itself.
Throw - The act of placing a card on your opponent's field in order to hinder them.
Lava Golem'd / Kaiju'd - Tribute an opponent's monster to replace them with your card, usually with those specified cards.
Trample / Penetrate - The act of inflicting Piercing Battle Damage.
Toolbox - Searching for a monster to be used in a specified situation.
Top - Achieving prizing from a tournament or making it to the secondary stage of larger tournament events.
Topdeck/Heart of the Cards - The top card of the deck OR The act of placing a card on top of the deck. Can also refer to entire Decks where the sole outcome is dependent on cards that reside at the top of the Deck.
Clutch - A drawn card from the top of the Deck that perfectly suits the player's specific situation or goal.
Top-Decking / Lucksacking - A situation in which the player is at a large disadvantage and draws a card that ends up turning the game in their favor.
U-Link - An Extra Link--most likely named due to the shape the Extra and Main Monster Zones viewed from the turn player's field if five Link Monsters (two in the Extra Zones and three in the middle three Main Zones) form the Extra Link.
Vanilla - A Normal monster.
Wall - A monster card that is difficult to destroy by battle or card effect.
Body - A monster with a high original ATK/DEF regardless of its effects (if any) or its Level.
Win Condition - A situation or combination of cards that effectively win the game even if both players still have LP.
Win More - A card that has no impact on the outcome of a game when you are already winning.
"The Nuts" - An extraordinarily powerful hand usually resulting in victory.
x of - The number of copies of certain cards one runs in a Deck, where x equals the number of copies.
Playset - 3 copies of a single card

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Post #14 by CrystalMusic » Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:12 pm

why dont you ppl just use words that are in websters dictionairy instead of slag?
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Post #15 by xDEADCENTREx » Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:32 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:the idea: allow hosts to pick if the players (which includes the host) are limited to using only custom cards OR if they are allowed to mix TCG and OCG cards in with their custom cards.

I advise we do a poll first, on the site, to see if anyone "besides you" is actually interested in the idea. I say this because you are the only person to bring it up as a suggestion.

CrystalMusic wrote:Me personally? due to my massive imagination i have 66 fully custom archetypes. these 66 archetypes do not use any TCG or OCG cards in them. I do however have a few custom support cards for: Crystal Beasts, Dark Magician and Blue-eyes.

Cut this off at this point, scrap the next quote, stop overexplaining your reasons, and stick to the basics and improvements department and you will find better reciprication of your ideas.
However it is very rare that i use my custom Crystal Beasts, Dark Magican or Blue-eyes decks. Basically 99% of my custom decks contain only custom cards I made. I only have 3 that dont because i made my own custom support for Crystal Beasts, Blue-eyes and Dark Magician.

So basically I join the custom cards format for the intent of dueling other custom decks, not a TCG or OCG deck with custom support (unless my duel note says otherwise like: TCG/OCG + Custom Support)

CrystalMusic wrote:The Result: this would make it easier for players to find an opponent they are willing to duel with and not leave the duel thus wasting time. (Its already hard enough

Please stop adding complaints, it's not nice for the eyes to read such complaints. We get it, you feel offended. The more personal you make it "me me me" the less received it will be taken.
CrystalMusic wrote:{for me personally because i only play classic format} to find an opponent in the custom cards format as it is)
There is only so much a "Duel Note" can do.

You haven't tried messaging people, BEFORE accepting their request to join, correct? Then you can start doing that, and see if you get some progress.


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Post #16 by CrystalMusic » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:55 pm

I shouldnt need to message people in order to accept them into a duel im hosting. what needs to be done is when people need to learn how to read a duel note!!! If you can read a cards effect then there is no excuse as to why you cant read a duel note!!!
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #17 by Debt » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:49 am

Have you ever considered the possibility that people do read your duel notes and don't enter the room because they don't want to be saddled with a heap of unfair handicaps? And that the only people who are willing to duel you are the ones that don't read?

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Post #18 by xDEADCENTREx » Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:00 pm

CrystalMusic wrote:I shouldnt need to message people in order to accept them into a duel im hosting. what needs to be done is when people need to learn how to read a duel note!!! If you can read a cards effect then there is no excuse as to why you cant read a duel note!!!

You should try to make EVERY EFFORT to make your experience ENJOYABLE and stop expecting the site to do everything YOU WANT. It's not tailored to you, you have solutions you refuse to even try using, and you expect fixes to these issues, when you refuse to find your own workable solutions from your own end.

We call that self entitlement, people like you expect everyone to do things for them, because they expect it to be done for them.

If you wanted the Moderators to visit you IRL for tech support, does that mean they have to go to your Home and fix your computer?.... (sarcasm)

Try using any solution, message users and tell them what your conditions are, message them to let them know what you use.

BY THE WAY: People who use proxies IRL, tell the opponent before accepting a duel, and messaging a user in DM is no different than the online version of a Real Method people already use, and you refuse to even attempt it?

Do you see why people get so frustrated with you?

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Post #19 by CrystalMusic » Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:17 pm

xDEADCENTREx wrote:people like you expect everyone to do things for them, because they expect it to be done for them.

Do not assume you know anything about me. You do not know who I am IRL. I dont expect anything. There is a difference between expecting people to read duel notes and KNOWING how to read duel notes. For the last time: If you can read a card, you can read a duel note!!! There is NO excuse as to why you cant read a duel note if you can read a card. If you can read one thing, you can read other stuff. Reading a card but then refusing to read a duel note is whats called "Selective Reading" those with selective reading only read what they deem is important. Sorry to burst your bubble but my duel notes are vital for all my duels. My duel notes are the rules to my duels. If those rules are disobeyed I do not enjoy the duel. As i stated in previous posts, I play on Duelingbook to cope with my autism, i need to enjoy playing on here to successfully cope with my autism. And the only way i enjoy yugioh today, because all the BS that is being used that makes the game highly un-enjoyable for me, is if one obeys my duel notes to the fullest. I wouldnt mind the current gen if it 90% of it wasnt revolved around spam summoning all the time.

And that goes double for the ban list, dont even get me started on that! Raigeki, Dark Hole, ECT, cards that were banned for the longest time!

So again if you can read a cards effect, then you can read a duel note!!!

And do NOT assume that my opponents are the only ones getting frustrated! What do you think happens when one doesn't obey my duel notes??? So join the club!!!
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Post #20 by NiwatoriFTW » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:41 pm

You do expect a lot from people, as they need to:
    comply to your "rules";
    fulfil your enjoyment;
    not use current cards or strategies because that ruins your enjoyment for some reason;
    don't use broken cards (despite what has been seen with your custom ones);
    use custom cards only;
and whatever else you listed on your post viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6109

You need a support group to deal with your issues or even just any group that would accept dueling your way instead of basically demanding that from random players on the site, stressing yourself when they don't oblige AND/OR making the duel unfair and un-interactable. Don't expect to deal with your issues with strangers. Everybody involved in your antics ends up likely bound to have a bad time.

And that's not considering the situations of conflict of your arbitrary rules, concepts, ideals and whatnot that you banish some Extra Deck card(s) to reinforce them, like in this recent duel: Image
Taken from https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=200963-11998521

From what I get, you can read both duel notes and cards. Is the excuse for creating that card some sort of selective reading of yours in which an opponent used in their advantage for their card effects? Or were you just making the duel inconvenient and less enjoyable for no reason?

Try some insight for a change, since your crusade to make the duels enjoyable FOR YOU with minimal effort from your part is far from working and often becomes inconvenient to everyone. Assuming that you even care, of course.

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