Add in a Training Format for players new to yugioh

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Add in a Training Format for players new to yugioh

Post #1 by CrystalMusic » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:29 am

think of it, we all were new to this game at one time, and at that time we needed the rule book, or some sort of video to teach us how to play yugioh (i do NOT speak for everyone) I think adding in a training format for players new to yugioh would be a great idea to teach them the basics of yugioh such as: the phases of a turn, what you can do during each phase, the steps of each phase (i have gone up against a few people who seemed to have forgotten that the battle phase has a damage calculation and damage step) spell speeds (This one is very important because i vs alot of people who think they can use a normal trap in chain to a counter trap, etc)

In the past i have had some people think the god cards were immune to all cards and effects (they though it applied the anime effect, not its TCG or OCG printed text effect) so i think a training format would be a good idea to help new players learn the ropes and some of the most basic of effects.
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Post #2 by Red_Fox » Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:44 pm

there is this thing called 'Rule Book'. it's a good read ;)

i know that many 'new age' gamers don't like to read the manual, but since this game game almost completely text based, you can't get around with 'not reading stuff' :P

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Post #3 by Pfannkuchen » Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:46 am

It's called "Unrated" on here.

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