Need a way to check for cheating with banished face-downs.

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Need a way to check for cheating with banished face-downs.

Post #1 by QuakeNLD » Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:12 pm

Okay, so this has been bugging me for a while now. But right now "Seer's Passbook" is out on the OCG ( ) which can banish the top 3 cards of your Deck face-down, and then 3 turns later get them back. My issue is with its interaction with "Pot of Desires". Which banishes 10 cards from the Deck face-down as a cost.

So somebody can activate Seer's Passbook, then later use Pot of Desires, banish 10 cards with it, and then once Seer's Passbook says it is time to return the cards to your Hand that you banished this way, that player can just take 3 cards that are banished by Pot of Desires instead, and you as the opponent would never have a clue that this is happening.

I feel this needs to be fixed before it can be abused too much. Maybe give all cards that are banished a number, and you get to see in the log which number has been moved?
^ replay when we were testing this.
^ same replay, except now my side.
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Post #2 by NoahC92 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:51 pm

This is something I made Xteven aware of before the card was added and I'm hoping a fix will be coming soon.

My suggestion was to enumerate banished cards. Here's an example situation:

Player A has previously resolved Pot of Desires banishing 10 cards face-down.
Player A then activates Pot of Duality and banishes 3 cards then adds one of those to hand.

The logs would read something to the effect of this for the user of Duality:
Moved "X Card" from banished (11/13) to hand
Moved "Y Card" from banished (11/12) to Deck
Moved "Z Card" from banished (11/11) to Deck

and they would read like this to the opponent:
Moved a card from banished (11/13) to hand
Moved a card from banished (11/12) to hand
Moved a card from banished (11/11) to hand

This would solve the problem with Seer's Passbook. It should be noted that this isn't a new problem on DB, as the same thing could be done with Different Dimension Capsule.

If anyone else has suggestions for a better fix than what I've proposed then we'd be happy to hear them.
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Post #3 by DarkstarAshura » Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:11 pm

A work around was suggested recently, just banish passbook before banishing the top 3. as a separator for the top 3 face-down banished

Kara Kalinowski
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Post #4 by Kara Kalinowski » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:40 am

That was me that suggested that. Yes it's not technically correct but just temporarily banish some card such as passbook itself to separate them

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