Search found 226 matches
- Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:31 am
- Forum: Serious Discussions
- Topic: Ruling algorithm
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6533
Re: Ruling algorithm
What if we had a ruling test for common rulings, based off the current meta game (such as evenly vs scapegoat, and droll reincarn combo) but instead of it being used to pick judges, it's for rated. Basically in order to duel in rated, you would have to take this exam, and whatever score you get is ...
- Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:22 pm
- Forum: Serious Discussions
- Topic: Ruling algorithm
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6533
Re: Ruling algorithm
Not needed.
- Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:35 pm
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: a custom card rated match and games
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5165
Re: a custom card rated match and games
Not sure why custom cards need a rated pool.
Re: Xiao
Cya dude since dn to now. stay safe.
- Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:58 pm
- Forum: Rulings Q&A
- Topic: Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf eff
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4144
Re: Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf eff
They didn't even mention a Judge they are talking about the text....jumping to conclusions much. The effect isn't on summon its whenever in the MP.
- Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:34 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Issues with the Site
- Replies: 18
- Views: 13814
Re: Issues with the Site
Why don't you view the Tournament's hosted by Official TOs, and tell me how many are alisae, and not OTHER people who idle their as Purple Not telling you what to do, but what to focus on, but you do not care. I will wait for everyone to leave the site and then when you realize these issues are why...
- Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:21 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Issues with the Site
- Replies: 18
- Views: 13814
Re: Issues with the Site
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL when you believe when runzy says "ill retire" AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHA Lmfaooooooooooo He really should, all he does is take admin calls, and use it as excuse for not hosting tournaments. When you see him say "I host x y and z days" and they don't host on...
- Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:49 am
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Issues with the Site
- Replies: 18
- Views: 13814
Re: Issues with the Site
u giving like ot everyone who posts here so gimmi too plz im a slut and ye TOs trash Just TOs? Man even the Judges are trash I called Runzy out on not hosting in DM, they tried the excuse game, and I afk'ed Not even 20 minutes later Emo Time leads to retirement, because they realize they haven't be...
- Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:59 pm
- Forum: Unofficial Tournaments
- Topic: Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta] Winner: Monarch Snow
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5809
Re: Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta] Good luck to all participants make sure to keep in contact with me on DB "Resource Judge #5937"
- Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:53 pm
- Forum: Unofficial Tournaments
- Topic: Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta] Winner: Monarch Snow
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5809
Re: Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta]
3 more to start.
- Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:39 pm
- Forum: Unofficial Tournaments
- Topic: Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta] Winner: Monarch Snow
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5809
Ozone Live #638 [TCG/Meta] Winner: Monarch Snow
- Post your DB username in this topic for signing up in the tournament - First 8 or 16 people to sign up will be added to the participant list. - The tournament will immediately begin once we receive 8-16 participants. General Rules: You must use the current TCG Forbidden & Limited List (12/3): ...
- Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:24 pm
- Forum: Forbidden/Limited List Discussions
- Topic: TCG: 02/2019 Banlist
- Replies: 9
- Views: 8886
Re: TCG: 02/2019 Banlist
Need peace at 1.
- Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:39 pm
- Forum: Farewells
- Topic: Time to say Goodbye
- Replies: 16
- Views: 12721
Re: Time to say Goodbye
Cya dude stay safe and have a great life.
- Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:21 am
- Forum: Unofficial Tournaments
- Topic: OZYCS #5: Los Angeles [TCG/Unlocked] / Winner: `HashX~
- Replies: 82
- Views: 56009
Re: OZYCS #5: Los Angeles [TCG/Unlocked]
DB: Twisted Soul
Discord: Runzy#5483
Discord: Runzy#5483
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:16 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
Rikku wrote:#reviveOzone
btw I was the one who pad Twisted Soul a small sum of million dollars so as to make him lie to get THE KAMISAMA OF THE PLANET ASS AS D banned.
I ate your dog
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:50 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
Planet God ASASD wrote:I should be given position of headadministrator of dueling book.
k now you're trolling.
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:44 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
Planet God ASASD wrote:and twisted soul should get demoted for being corrupted.lost probably paid him to lie for him.
Lost and paying people should never be in the same sentence he a sweat shop boss.
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:38 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
Planet God ASASD wrote:lost is lying if the staff was good they would have banned him by now.
Even I know why you got disqualified.....stop lying thanks.
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:38 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
Re-Qliate wrote:Didn't know DB Judges give out School Notes.
@Twisted Soul may I have one?
I sell hall passes too cuz shhh
- Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:26 pm
- Forum: Spam Paradise
- Topic: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
- Replies: 193
- Views: 139526
Re: Quitting it all except DuelingBook
_Blank_ -I remember talking you on DB about that bisou incident. once again sorry you had an unprofessional TO and I respect your decision to stay away from the forum. Bisou- While you sometimes try to say things that make sense, you are a massive hypocrite so it all amounts to nothing. You constan...